Project Researcher:
Project Supervisor:
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Project Researcher:
Kristyn Richardson
Project Supervisor:
Bird Studies Canada
Barn swallows nest almost exclusively on human-made structures such as barns, sheds, bridges and culverts and are the most widely distributed of all swallows. As such, many people would be shocked to learn that the Ontario populations has declined by 66% since 1970. Despite how frequently humans overlap with these swallows (part of a group of birds collectively called aerial insectivores because of their habit of eating flying insects while flying high in the air) we know relatively little about them. While the causes of these declines are unknown, here in Ontario educations in the amount of available nesting habitat as well as human-caused disturbance are two potential reasons. The results of the artificial nesting structure project on the rare property, as well as the complimentary social cues research, will be used to determine what breeding habitat characteristics are most important for Barn Swallows in Ontario and inform Best Management Practices for the conservation of this species.
Project Researcher:
Philippe Van Cappellen
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Traditionally, management of water resources has focused on surface water bodies (streams, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, etc.) or on groundwater as if they were separate entities. As the use of land and water resources intensifies, the hydraulic connection between surface water and groundwater has become recognized as a crucial element in water management. This research will monitor the spatial distributions of nutrient elements (C, N, P, Si, K and S) and key biogeochemical redox indicators (in particular, iron) in the riparian and hyphoreic zones of a small, groundwater-fed stream on the rare Charitable Research Reserve over the course of one year. The spatio-temporal patterns will be used to unravel the key biogeochemical transformations affecting nutrient speciation and fluxes within the riparian and hyporheic filter zones, and establish their response to seasonal variations in stream hydrology, soil temperature and biological activity.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Tallgrass prairie formerly occupied 80,000 to 100,000 hectares in southwestern Ontario but less than 5% of that remains. Andrew plans to convert an agricultural field on rare property (most recently used to grow soybeans) into a native tallgrass prairie. There are several main goals of this research. The first is to determine the factors that ensure success in prairie restoration especially the ability of tallgrass prairies to resist invasion from non-target species; particularly exotic agronomic grasses. The second objective is to determine the factors that influence the pattern of distribution of plant species in a tallgrass prairie; i.e. are these factors environmental or non-environmental? The third objective is to restore a tallgrass prairie research site that will eventually look like a tallgrass prairie rather than a checkerboard pattern of research plots that will require constant maintenance. This sampling design will help address the research questions but will also restore the function of this ecosystem for creatures such as birds, insects and small mammals. The research project consists of a five-year building phase followed by a longer-term monitoring and manipulation phase.
Project Researcher:
Paul Kron, Research Associate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Closely related species can sometimes reproduce to produce hybrid organisms. Two such species are the domestic apple and the wild crabapple. Paul is studying the complex genetic interactions between these two species. This involves several components. What is the genetic variability within the wild crabapple? What is the fate of hybrids in the natural environment; i.e. do they survive and reproduce? Over 25 saplings from each of five genetically different apple strains were grown from seeds collected on rare property (three crabapple variants plus two hybrids with the domestic apple) and planted in the alvar complex. The fate of these individuals is being monitored over a ten-year period. The genetic variation of pollen and seed from mature trees of both species will also be determined. This will provide insight into the nature of the reproductive pathways that occur among these two species that lead to the production of fruits and seed. This research will provide important information on the potential impacts of introducing genetically-modified organisms (organisms intentionally modified by humans) into the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
eremy deWaard
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG)
Despite their importance, arthropods only represent a minor component in most biodiversity assessments because of the difficulty in their identification to a species level through morphological study. Our project will overcome this barrier by coupling high-throughput sequencing platforms with the capacity of DNA barcoding to discriminate species. This approach will allow us to document patterns of species distribution and diversity at scales and in settings where this was previously impossible. Arthropods will be collected using Malaise traps across over 50 sites in southern Ontario and Quebec, including the rare Charitable Research Reserve . This project will contribute to the international Terrestrial Arthropod Monitoring Program which aims to detail arthropod diversity across ecoregions in ten nations. Particularly, this project will provide data for the Mixedwood Plains ecoregion in Canada. This study is also an extension of previous surveys using the same collecting method and sampling sites in order to assess long-term trends in arthropod biodiversity.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals ( Cardinalis cardinalis ) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus , are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Principal Investigator
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
In an uncertain future climate, both the quantity and quality of water supplied by headwater wetland source areas in cold regions are expected to change significantly. However, our knowledge of how climate change will impact the biogeochemical functioning and hydrochemistry of these source areas remains limited. We propose to elucidate the role of winter soil processes on the export of carbon (C) and nutrients (N, P, S, Fe) to the river network under changing climate conditions. The project builds on the hypothesis that spring pulses of dissolved organic and inorganic C and nutrients by these headwaters reflect the cumulative effects of microbial and geochemical processing of redox sensitive elements during the non-growing season. The project will advance the predictive understanding of C and nutrient cycling in soils of headwater source areas under seasonal snow and ice cover. The project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in C and nutrient stocks, speciation and fluxes driven by variations in snow cover and freeze-thaw cycles. Overall, the proposed project will enhance our ability to evaluate the impact of different potential climatic scenarios on C and nutrient export and speciation along the aquatic continuum.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Jessica Linton
Project Supervisor:
Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
In 2015 NRSI began a multi-year collaborative project to address key actions and knowledge gaps identified in the Draft Recovery Strategy for Mottled Duskywing. This proposal builds on previous projects by focusing on achieving the government-supported recovery goals for the species. The current project involves inventory work, research, and collaborative activities which support multi-species SAR butterfly recovery.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis , the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
e are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also
be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rare Charitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Peter Kevan
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences & the Arthur Dobbs Institute
The internal temperatures within flowers and stem of herbaceous plants are not well studied. Most of the information on temperatures within flowers and their ecological significance has been gathered in cool, Arctic and alpine environments. Temperature regimes in the hollow stems of herbaceous plants seems to never to have been studied, yet probably 2/3 of temperate zone herbaceous plants have hollow stems. Our project is to survey the incidence of hollow stems in Canadian plants and to assess how elevated temperatures that build up in them is achieved (microgreenhouse effects) and to measure the temperatures within flowers that can act as parabolic/spheric dishes, as simple discs, and as microgreenhouses as in air enclosing blossoms. The measurements obtained will be related to growth and maturation rates, reproductive ecology of the plants, their phenologies, and habitats.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as amonitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Heather Townsend, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
My research project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in phosphorous stocks, speciation, and fluxes driven by variations in snow-cover and freeze-thaw cycles as they relate to phosphorous export from agricultural soils to water resources. In my MSc research project, I am conducting a series of novel laboratory-controlled experiments that will specifically investigate the role of the seasonal freeze-thaw events on the fate, transport, and cycling of phosphorous in agricultural soils during the winter transition (fall-winter and winter-spring) and non-growing season. The experimental results will be integrated into a reactive transport model to quantitatively assess the effects of winter conditions on below-ground phosphorous speciation, transformation rates and bioavailability. This research
has implications for soil fertility, groundwater and surface water quality, and our understanding of seasonal variability in phosphorous losses from agricultural soils. The model results will predict how the export of water, phosphorous, and other nutrients in cold regions may respond to projected winter warming and advise best management practices regarding Canadian’s agricultural future in a changing climate. The data and insights gained through the proposed experimental and modeling activities will yield a better conceptual understanding of soil phosphorous cycling and strengthen its representation in coupled biogeochemical-hydrological models.
Project Researcher:
Alannah Grant, MsC Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The urban environment is currently the fastest growing habitat type on the planet. This rapid expansion of the urban landscape poses new stressors and challenges to which wildlife in these environments must respond and adapt. My study examines the affects of the urban environment on eastern grey squirrel stress and brain development in mother squirrels and their pups. To do this I will be comparing the physiology of squirrels found in urban locations to squirrels in non-urban locations, like rare , that provide a non-disturbed, organic habitat in the midst of urbanization.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve , the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew Trant
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In an era of climate change, understanding changes to forest composition and productivity requires detailed knowledge of factors influencing growth, regeneration and establishment. However, this is complicated by the long-term history of people interacting with the environment. Failing to consider these forests as coupled human-environment systems may impair our ability to understand how they will respond to changes in site and growing conditions. The long-term focus of my lab’s research is to measure past and present patterns of ecosystem services across culturally rich, economically important, and biodiverse landscapes. Through quantitative assessment of past, present and future forests, this research will provide important insight for guiding management and conservation decisions. To accomplish this, I will establish long-term field sites on rare properties. Using a variety of ethnobotanical, dendroecological, and experimental approaches at multiple spatial scales, my research will provide important information on the future of these landscapes.
Project Researcher:
Kyle Schang, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew Trant
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In this project, we want to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the northern range limit of Carolinian tree species in Ontario. At rare, we want to see how shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), a Carolinian species, competes against sugar maples (Acer saccharum), a dominant species of the region under current and future climate scenarios.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Associate Professor & Dr. Marcel O’Gorman
Project Supervisor:
Professor and Research Chair
University of Waterloo, Critical Media Lab (CML), Department of English
Hirondelusia is a barn swallow habitat modified from designs approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to mitigate habitat loss. Using a critical design approach, it explores what happens when humans and non-humans encounter structures approved for species at risk. Through a collaborative, combined academic and creative approach, Hirondelusia seeks HOW and WHY specific species at risk recovery strategies are designed and built, and WHAT seeing structures like this tell humans about threatened species like the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirondelusia was part of CAFKA 2021 and is now located beside the rare ECO Centre.
Project Researcher:
Erika Myler, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Robert Hanner
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an innovative technique that involves analyzing the DNA in an environmental sample to identify which species are present, without capturing or sighting an animal. Using this approach, we will collect and analyze water samples from the Eramosa and Grand Rivers to characterize local fish communities, including species at risk and invasive alien species.
Project Researcher:
Lauren Witterick, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Liana Zanette
University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
My work looks at the enduring effects of fear on the brain and behaviour in wildlife. I use audio playbacks of local predator or non-predator species to manipulate the levels of predation risk in white-footed mice in their natural habitat. I will monitor how the fear of predators impacts foraging behaviour, particularly how much food animals leave behind when they are scared. I will also look at the enduring effects on the brain through changes in activation, neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons), and neuron structure in regions associated with fear processing. My work on the brain is adapted from laboratory models for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where predators or their cues are often used to induce PTSD-like symptoms to study the causes and treatments of PTSD. Finding similar enduring effects in the brains of free-living wildlife will address gaps in the ecology and conservation literature by linking the behavioural and demographic consequences of fear with effects on the brain and will expand on biomedical models for PTSD by addressing the effects of fear on the brain outside of a captive laboratory environment.
Project Researcher:
Carolyn Morris, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christopher M. Wood
University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a naturally occurring complex compound and is the product of the breakdown of organic matter in soil and water. It is often the most abundant dissolved component in freshwaters (Thurman, 1985). Its importance is widely recognized in aquatic toxicology, and recently in national environmental regulations in the United States and the European Union (EU), as the most important protective agent against metal toxicity (e.g. aluminum, copper, lead, zinc) because of its ability to bind up metals and reduce their bioavailability. However, it has been largely ignored by physiologists as a major water quality parameter. Recent studies have suggested that it may exert direct protective effects on ionoregulation (blood salt regulation) in freshwater fish, and this may be, in part the same explanation responsible for the protective effects noted against the negative actions of metals and low pH in fish. However, virtually nothing is known about the physiological mechanisms of this protection. This is the subject of my doctoral research.
Project Researcher:
Michelle Bomberry, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Debra Harwood
Brock University, Department of Education
The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to explore Haudenosaunee earth-based (more commonly known as land-based pedagogies), as a culturally relevant learning model for Indigenous students. Using the Tree of Peace methodology symbolic to Haudenosaunee epitemology, the research will draw on conversational circles with their parents, earth-based educators, children, and knowledge holders.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Amanda Liczner, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
While foraging in agricultural landscapes, bumble bees can be exposed to different environmental stressors including pesticides which can negatively effect their flight behaviour and memory. We will test the impact of two pesticide classes on bumble bee queen flight behaviour using radio-tracking technology. Radio-tracking will also be used to learn more about bumble bee hibernation habitat.
Project Researcher:
Dr Elizabeth Clare
Project Supervisor:
York University, Department of Biology
My research group has a history of developing new technologies which use environmental DNA. We have collected this material from water, faeces, the gut track of terrestrial leeches and from dung beetles as a method to track interactions between species and terrestrial biodiversity. Most recently we invented a method to filter eDNA from air samples. We have demonstrated the utility in laboratory settings and in a survey of a zoological park where we were able to detect mammals and birds from the eDNA carried in the air. Our method is almost silent and thus very non-invasive to wildlife. This technique has the strong probability to transform terrestrial biomonitoring just as it has in aquatic ecology and management. In the proposed work we want to measure how eDNA accumulates and dissipates in a natural setting. We propose to collect samples: 1) before birds return, when we expect there may be no eDNA (negative control) at the location 2) when they are present, and there should be detectable eDNA in the air (positive control) and 3) after they depart at frequent intervals to try and assess how long the eDNA persists in the environment.
Project Researcher:
Sarah MacKell, Lead Biologist
Project Supervisor:
Wildlife Preservation Canada, Native Pollinator Initiative
In 2022, WPC’s research team will continue conducting expert pollinator surveys in spring (April, May, and June) to locate rare and declining bumble bees throughout Ontario, including southern Ontario. WPC will survey sites in the historical range of the endangered rusty-patched bumble bee (B. affinis) and the gypsy cuckoo bumble bee (B. bohemicus) in an attempt to (re-) discover extant populations of this and other rare or declining species (e.g., B. pensylvanicus, and B. terricola), and to gain more information on the composition and status of all bumble bee species in the province. Bumble bee worker surveys may also be conducted throughout the spring, summer, and fall as time and researcher availability permits. During spring surveys field crews will collect yellow-banded bumble bee (B. terricola) and brown-belted bumble bee (B. griseocollis) queens for use in WPC’s conservation breeding program. Fecal sampling will also be conducted in order to assess community health, and the health of the queens brought into the conservation breeding program.
Project Researcher:
Michael McTavish, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sandy Smith
University of Toronto, Institute of Forestry and Conservation
Introduced Phragmites is a highly competitive non-native grass that has a variety of undesirable impacts on native biodiversity and ecological processes. Biological control (i.e., the release of highly specific natural enemies) is a promising tool to supplement existing management approaches such as herbicides and mowing. Biological control is now being implemented at a pilot scale in southern Ontario using two stem-boring moth species that kill or stunt the growth of Phragmites. In this project, the two moths will be released as eggs and larvae into patches of Phragmites and monitored for several years. This project will provide information about the impacts of biological control agents on introduced Phragmites, how other vegetation recovers following control, how the moths spread to nearby weed patches, and how the two biological control agents interact with each other when released in the same location. This research will help develop biological control as a safe, effective, and affordable option to help manage one of Canada’s worst invasive plants.
Project Researcher:
Megan Schmidt, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Maria Strack
University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
This project aims to understand how carbon is cycled and stored in swamps across Southern Ontario and how environmental factors such as location, water table, and vegetation type impact it. We will look at how much carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are exchanged between the atmosphere and the soil and trees, how much carbon is stored in the soil, trees, and plants, and how much is retained or lost through leaf drop and vegetation die back and decomposition. We will create a carbon balance for the entire ecosystem and better understand the impact swamps may have on climate through greenhouse gas emissions or storage.
Project Researcher:
Sarah Marshall, MES Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Jeremy Pittman
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will consider different tools to analyze the connectivity of the landscape of Waterloo Region, to assist the rare Charitable Research Reserve in its goal to protect more conservation lands in the coming years. I will evaluate the use of different tools in their usefulness to the raresites land securement team. Once I have collected this information, my thesis will provide detailed recommendations to the raresites land securement committee as they work on revisions for their Land Securement Strategy, due for an update in 2023. I also intend to create a user-friendly landscape connectivity analysis tool which is best suited for use by the rare Planning Ecologist and Land Securement Team.
Project Researcher:
Kassandra Pineda, MSc Candidate & Morgan Basile, BSc Student
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Webb
University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
Our research seeks to identify evidence of land-use change using plant residues preserved in soils. Plant residues deposited in the soil are eventually transformed into soil organic matter that is rich in carbon and remains in the soil for thousands of years. Biochar formed from burning of tall-grass prairies is also a form of resistant carbon stored in the soils. We will use two innovative geochemical techniques to understand carbon preservation in soils at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Stable carbon isotopes of soil organic matter (SOM)preserved in soil aggregates will be used to measure how quickly fresh carbon is incorporated into the SOM reservoir after a change in land-use (e.g., restoration of agricultural land to grassland). We are also developing a new technique using the oxygen-isotope values of charcoal as an indicator of burn temperature of past fires. The charcoal in the Blair Flats prairie restoration will be analyzed to assess the char’s contribution to carbon storage in grassland soil.
Project Researcher:
Lisa Hirmer
Project Supervisor:
Made from lime, olivine, straw, graphite and charcoal, The Atmosphere is Always Still Being Made is a carbon capturing sculpture that continuously absorbs atmosphere carbon dioxide. This means that as your breath joins the air between you and the sculpture, some of the carbon in your exhalation is likely to become part of the sculpture. Over time the sculpture will harden due to this carbon absorption, eventually becoming limestone. This means that breath becomes air, which becomes sculpture, which becomes geology—a reminder that we live in exchange with the atmospheric and geologic conditions of this planet. The work is meant to offer a space of contemplation for contemplation around climate change, acknowledging both the massive scale of the climate emergency and the possibility that things could be different.
Project Researcher:
Xinda Lu, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Josh Neufeld
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology,
Nitrogen is a key element controlling terrestrial productivity. Nitrification, mediated by microorganisms, converts reduced (ammonia) to oxidized (nitrite and nitrate) forms of nitrogen. Nitrification has profound influences on the environment, for example, by contributing greenhouse gasses (nitrous oxide) and leaching fertilizer nitrogen (nitrate). Although nitrification has been studied for over a century, it is only recently that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were discovered in addition to their counterparts, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), which were formerly regarded as the sole contributors to nitrification. Since their discovery, questions regarding the ecology, physiology, and metabolism of AOA are still not well answered. This project will combine molecular methods, microcosm incubations, and bioinformatics to study the biogeography and activity of soil AOA in an effort to better understand AOA distributions and function. As main part of this project, soil samples will be collected at rare Charitable Research Reserve, and microcosm incubation will be set up under different conditions (temperature and substrate form). Short-term and long-term soil incubation aim at elucidating the influence of temperature and different forms of nitrogen (organic/inorganic) on AOA activity, adding more evidence to the niche seperation of soil AOA.
Project Researcher:
Meghan Grgruic, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. François Tardif
University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture
As a human facilitated introduced species, giant hogweed poses a threat to habitat diversity and ecosystem health. As an invasive species, giant hogweed is thought to reduce diversity among native plant communities where its colonies have established. This is especially true when monocultures become established within populations due to the high quantity of seeds produced per plant. Its large leaf area has the potential to shade smaller plants, as well as increase riverbank erosion when the senescence of vegetation creates bare ground in the fall and winter. This erosion can have a number of consequences, including the threat to fish and other organisms, from both changes to their habitat and possible addition of chemical substrates. With these negative influences giant hogweed has on communities it’s invaded, safe and effective management is important. Giant hogweed’s proximity to water makes control without chemicals necessary but challenging due to its persistence and regenerative abilities. This research will investigate different manual control treatments and how they affect the ability hogweed has to produce viable seed through regeneration.
Project Researcher:
Mason Stothart, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
One of the primary mechanisms hypothesized to facilitate the invasion of nascent niches created by urbanization is synanthropic modification of a species’ stress response. In vertebrates, stress physiology plays an important role in regulating everything from homeostasis and immunity, to ‘fight or flight’ behavioural responses. The closer human-association implicit in synurban adaptive modification of an organism’s stress response, would not only increase incidences of human-wildlife conflict, but also zoonotic disease risk. Further exacerbating this risk is the connection between stress and immune physiology, since changes in the former could compromise the latter, thereby increasing pathogen prevalence on the urban environment. While the importance of understanding these processes is emphasized in the literature, little is known about synurban stress physiology, and even less about its interaction with disease transmission. Using a combination of field, lab, and citizen science techniques, I propose to characterize longitudinal synanthropic patterns in stress/immune physiology, and disease ecology in urban and exurban populations of eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).
Project Researcher:
Jeremy Pittman
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will engage gardeners using rare’s community gardening plots to document and quantify the garden’s impact to local food security, environmental awareness, and ecosystem services. Community gardens can play an important role in (1) providing access to locally produced foods, (2) ensuring a cost-effective source of healthy produce, and (3) contributing to the health and wellbeing of urban residents. The specific role of rare’s community gardens in providing these benefits will be determined by surveying community gardeners. The survey will provide quantitative and in-depth information on the impact of the gardens, which will help communicate their benefits to the public.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus, are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Heather Cray, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Since only 1-3% of tallgrass prairie habitat remains in North America, dedicated citizens, scientists, and government officials are working to restore prairie in southern Ontario. Most of these restorations are done by either hand-broadcasting or drilling-in seeds on ex-agricultural land. While there is increasing evidence that invasive earthworms are important ecosystem engineers, surprisingly little is known about their effect on invaded habitat. Despite knowing that exotic earthworms are spreading across Ontario and that they both eat and bury seeds, key information about the presence, community structure, and population density of these seed predators is lacking. This project will address this knowledge gap at rare by assessing the earthworm population in the restored tallgrass prairie at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. The results of this work will inform future prairie restoration by adding another piece to the complex food web of establishing habitats and will deepen our understanding of factors related to earthworm invasion.
Project Researcher:
Winnie (Hui Ling) Yang, M.Sc Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Urbanization is a threat to many natural ecosystems across the globe. Human invasion into thenatural landscape yields an entirely novel ecosystem for local wildlife populations, beyondanything they have ever experienced. This study aims to identify potential mechanisms that driveurban adaptation by characterizing changes in behavioural temperaments and stress physiology,specifically in the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). We trapped and sampled squirrelsfrom the University of Guelph and the rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, whichrepresents our urban and rural sites, respectively. Open field (OF) trials were conducted onsquirrels to quantify exploratory behaviour, while stress physiology was evaluated throughdexamethasone-ACTH hormone challenges and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs).Squirrels were initially assessed in May and June, followed by a second assessment in July andAugust 2019. Interestingly, preliminary results show that rural squirrels were bolder in the OFarena compared to urban squirrels, but do not differ in other behavioural traits. Additionally,FGMs were consistently higher in urban squirrels whereas the reactivity of the stress axis is morecomplex as it is influenced by site, sex and capture number. These results suggest thattemperament differences observed between urban and rural squirrels may be the result ofphenotypic plasticity instead of inherent changes in personality. Furthermore, our results showthat urban squirrels possess a unique stress response from that of their rural conspecifics andthus may contribute to shaping an urban phenotype. In summation, our findings provide crucialinsight into the potential mechanisms of adaptation that allow the eastern grey squirrel to thrivein an urban environment.
Project Researcher:
Ellen Esch, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships are widely observed in nature. These relationships are largely attributed to niche complementarity effects or selection effects of diverse plant species. If plant species have differential preferences in time or space for nutrient uptake, the complementarity hypothesis holds that resources will be used more efficiently and completely, thereby allowing for greater ecosystem-level functionality. In contrast, the selection effect purports that capturing the direct contributions from inherently high functioning species become increasingly probable as the richness of a species assemblage increases. Despite the widespread acceptance that biodiversity promotes ecosystem function, the most abundant ecosystem on the planet – agricultural landscapes – largely overlook biodiversity as a potential mechanism through which ecosystem function could be enhanced. Here, we propose a test of diversity-function relationships to ask if increasing species richness provides an opportunity to maintain target productivity levels while best conserving, and in exceptional instances restoring, total ecosystem functionality within an agricultural context.
Project Researcher:
Mallory Moscovitch, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Götz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The rapid growth of new media in recent years has greatly influenced how data is collected by citizen scientists. It is clear that new media are expanding into a wide range of data collection practices, yet the ways in which the underlying designs of new media impact citizen scientists and the data they collect are not clear. I seek to orient new media users along with the media they exploit as central to my analysis. By studying a group of citizen scientist birders as they interact with new media in the data collection process, I seek to gain deeper insights into the communicative nature of new media and the designs that underpin them. In turn, I hope to shed light on future digital designs and new media used at rare and the wider citizen science community.
Project Researcher:
Erik Etzler, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Darryl Gwynne
University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sexual ornaments often result in increased risk of being caught by predators. Increased mortality can lead to evolution of those traits to optimize survival and sexual reproduction. Previous work has tended to focus on the effects of a single predator, so my project aims to look at how multiple predators interact to affect the evolution of sexual ornaments in a prey species. The prey species is O. nigricornis, a species of tree cricket, and the predators are I. mexicana, a predatory wasp, and S. neglecta, and parasitoid fly. These species were chosen as both predators leave their prey relatively intact, allowing for direct comparisons between crickets that are being targeted and survivors.
Project Researcher:
Linden Fairbairn, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Philippe Van Cappellen and Fereidoun Rezanezhad
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Pollution of ground- and surface waters with nutrients from agricultural sources leads to eutrophication of water bodies and is a major stressor on Canada’s water resources. Eutrophication can harm aquatic ecosystem communities by causing excessive algae growth and hypoxic zones, which has implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Consequently, controlling the movement of nutrients from soil to water has become a major goal of conservation practices. To plan for effective nutrient management in the future, we need to develop a better understanding of the processes that control nutrient losses from soil, especially under future climate change as rainfall events become more intense. In this project, I will investigate nutrient mobility in agricultural soils at rare. Specifically, I will be looking at how dynamic hydrologic conditions in soil affect nutrient mobility and the microbial communities that influence nutrient processing, and how intensifying rainfall will impact these. The outcomes of this project will lead to more effective nutrient management strategies to protect aquatic ecosystems from the ramifications of nutrient pollution.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
We are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rareCharitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Supervisor: Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Leanne Grieves, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Beth MacDougall-Shackleton
Western University, Department of Biology
Blood-borne parasites are found on nearly every continent and infect approximately 70% of bird species worldwide. Given their ability to infect multiple species and the anticipated range expansions of parasites associated with climate change, understanding host-parasite interactions is increasingly important. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a diverse gene family that plays a crucial role in the immune response to pathogens. MHC genotypes may affect the ability of populations to persevere under changing parasite pressures. I will study three song sparrow populations in Ontario, including sparrows at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Using next-generation sequencing, microscopy, and song analysis software, I will explore whether 1) MHC genotypes are correlated with parasites, 2) different breeding populations show differences in parasite load (intensity of infection) and diversity (number of lineages), 3) parasite communities differ throughout the breeding season, and 4) increased parasite load decreases song performance. Understanding population differences in how birds cope with parasitic infections and the correlations between infection and fitness may inform future management decisions in songbirds.
Project Researcher:
Alana Wilcox, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Ryan Norris and Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
During the spring and early summer, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) lay eggs on milkweed (Asclepias spp.), which, by the third generation of monarchs in late fall, results in individuals having a unique migratory physiology (i.e., long, thing wings]). These monarch butterflies then undergo a nearly 4000 km migration from Southern Canada to the Oyamel fir forests in Mexico where they will overwinter for 9 months before beginning a multigenerational migration northward. Unfortunately, this migratory phenomenon is at risk due to various threats including exposure to agricultural chemicals. Neonicotinoid pesticides are known to affect the mobility, reproductive output and survival of insects, with studies focusing on honeybees and bumblebees. Unfortunately, little is known about the effects on monarch butterflies. This project aims to assess the effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin on monarch reproductive output, development, and migration capacity. Monarchs will be reared on milkweed grown in soil treated with the pesticide, during which we will monitor development. Once adults, monarchs will be mated to assess reproductive output (e.g., the number of eggs produced). Monarchs reared in fall will be tested using a flight simulator to gauge whether they naturally orient SW, as expected during migration.
Project Researcher:
Andrew Judge
Project Supervisor:
Conestoga College, Indigenous Studies
Indigenous land practices involve the following seven steps for the development of a sustainable landscape: Step 1: Observation, planning, and community engagement; Step 2: Clearing the land, seed saving and initiating a design; Step 3: Planting, irrigating and fertilizing; Step 4: Maintenance; Step 5: Harvesting; Step 6: Preparing, preserving, and storing harvest and seed; and, Step 7: Sharing and trading. This project proposes to build an Indigenous Garden at rare that implements the above seven steps using traditional Indigenous foods and medicines for the purpose of determining the viability in these steps to collect and maintain seed for future generations. This space will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where local community members can learn practical Indigenous land wisdom. The vision of this proposed garden is to promote Indigenous presence, Indigenous Knowledge exchange, community engagement, and cross-cultural relationship building at rare. By engaging community members in education surrounding Indigenous land-based practices new understanding of Indigenous people can be fostered.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as a monitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Justin Gaudon, Mitacs Elevate – Westfall Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Climate change, land development, invasive species, and other disturbances can destroy the composition, structure, and functions of vegetation across landscapes. These disturbances will impact insect parasitoids, which are a key, and often overlooked, component of the overall biodiversity in forest ecosystems and integral in maintaining diversity among other species through their role in fostering resilient forests. Understanding and monitoring vegetation structure and composition and how it relates to parasitoid populations will help to quickly detect, measure, and forecast negative changes to forest ecosystems. This research will explore the link between plant and parasitoid populations across forests of different successional stages and disturbance regimes to provide (1) a strong basis on which to create and improve ecological restoration and rehabilitation programs and (2) data on the relationship between vegetation and parasitoids to identify and detect the effects of future disturbances and cascade effects on animal species as part of regular, long-term management of forests. This is especially relevant in Ontario as invasive species, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), continue to spread rapidly throughout the province having detrimental impacts on the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve, the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Rohit Verma, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environment
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) trees are currently dying off at rates higher than previously recorded as a result of the rapid spreading of beech bark disease (BBD) in North America. Beech trees are a principal tree species in Ontario’s hardwood forests and are a significant source of nutrition for wildlife. Currently, identifying BBD and severity is performed with on the ground visual inspection of individual beech trees. However, this technique would not be the most efficient if a large area needs to be sampled. Alternatively, recent studies have shown that it is possible to identify certain diseased plants and trees using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal imaging technology because tree leaves, stem and root diseases can cause water stress, reduce transpiration rates and increase canopy temperature. However, whether beech trees infected with BBD are identifiable using thermal imaging is unknown. Consequently, this project will investigate whether capturing thermal imagery of American beech trees, via UAVs, can discern healthy individuals from diseased individuals. If successful, UAVs equipped with high resolution cameras can be a more efficient method at identifying and mapping the extent and severity of BBD than on the ground surveys.
Project Researcher:
Kathleen Church Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christina Semeniuk
University of Windsor, Department of Integrative Biology, Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research (GLIER)
Monitoring behavioural changes in animals can tell us how pollutants, like microplastics (plastic particles < 5 mm), are likely to affect populations. High numbers of microplastics are currently present in freshwater habitats, and these habitats are becoming more susceptible to microplastic pollution over time, especially in cities. Freshwater fishes, including salmonids, are known to mistake microplastic particles for food, and eat them. Laboratory studies show that behavioural changes often result from microplastics ingestion, including altered swimming and foraging behaviour, but it is currently unknown how these behavioural changes scale up to affect population size. This project aims to fill this knowledge gap by using Agent-Based Models (ABMs) to assess how behavioural changes that occur following microplastics ingestion will affect the population viability of stream-dwelling salmonids. This study identifies targets for microplastics pollution likely to prevent declines in salmonid populations, in combination with educational material for rare that aligns with the Canadian government’s intention to ban single use-plastics by the end of 2021, a first step toward zero plastic waste in Canada by 2030.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
BugNet is a global network of scientists that aims to better understand the impacts of invertebrate herbivores and fungal pathogens on different aspects of plant communities. While a few studies have shown big impacts of invertebrates and fungal pathogens, we know little about how generally important they are, and how their functional composition varies across a range of different ecosystems. A powerful tool to quantify the variation in plant consumer communities and their impact are globally coordinated experiments, using standardized measurements and replicated experiments across ecological gradients. The “Bug-Network” will be such a project and aims to explore the context dependency of biotic interactions within a coordinated research network comprised of many grassland- and shrubland sites worldwide.
Project Researcher:
Haolun (Allen) Tian, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed
Queen’s University, Department of Biology
Monitoring biodiversity is a key part of developing climate resiliency in aquatic ecosystem conservation. However, sampling resources are often insufficient to assess the numerous low population density waterbodies present in Ontario. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful emerging tool for non-invasive and economical environmental surveying. As organisms move through their environment, they shed genetic material that we can sample to identify what species are present in a waterbody. With eDNA, we can monitor the status of native plant, fish, and invertebrate populations, locate algal blooms, and detect invasive species. Our project aims to develop an easy-to-use community science oriented eDNA sampling kit and protocol, and field test it in Grand River at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. After developing our kit, we will conduct eDNA sampling with it as well as our lab sampling protocol for comparison. We will compare eDNA yield with the two types of sampling and use DNA metabarcoding to examine what species are present in the river at the rare reserve. By comparing our community science sampling protocol with traditional eDNA sampling techniques and existing lists of species known to be present, we will validate our kit for wider production and use.
Project Researcher:
Julia Aplin, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Leesa Fawcett
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies and Urban Change
I am an interdisciplinary artist with a background in dance and a great love of trees. I am researching how deep listening and artistic practices can help us to better understand and relate to our natural world. I am curious about the sentience of all living things and enhancing our sense of kinship. We are all related, and everything is connected. What would trees tell us if we listen? I see artistic creation as a way to heal our relationship with the earth and through my creativity, I am investigating my place on this Indigenous land, while simultaneously investigating my own Celtic cultural heritage. I will be sharing my arts based research through multi-media projects, writing and community gatherings.
Project Researcher:
Amy Pitura, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Much of southern Ontario has experienced three to four centuries of extensive European and contemporary land use, and millennia of Indigenous land use. Human land use in a stream’s watershed can cause a variety of disturbances to the stream that can, in turn, impact fish populations. Fish populations can respond to disturbance in many ways, including population size changes, splits, and between-population migration. These population-level responses are often reflected in the genetics of future generations. Using modern bioinformatics technologies, we can take advantage of this and use the genetics of modern fish to infer historical population-level responses. My work aims to characterize responses that were caused by human activities within the last 1000 years.
Project Researcher:
Amanda Meuser, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Humans have had a profound impact on the environment in Southern Ontario, through means including agriculture and urbanization. These types of disturbances can disrupt ecosystems and bring previously distant species into close contact, which can allow for hybridization between these species. In my thesis project, I will assess how outcomes of hybridization vary between minnow species, and how the type of disturbance affects the frequency and type of hybrid individuals. Species of interest include creek chub minnows and their hybrid offspring with a number of other related Cyprinidae fish species. While creek chub and related minnow species are not endangered, this research is an opportunity to learn how human disturbance shapes evolution of species native to this area and will hopefully support conservation efforts of endangered taxa in this region and similarly disturbed areas.
Project Researcher:
Alice Xu, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Goetz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The purpose of this study is to learn about what smartphone applications like iNaturalist and eBird enable everyday users and scientists to do, and how it contributes to practical work done by scientists. The anticipated benefits of this study are to make visible the tangible benefits of everyday users to scientists’ work, and precisely what those benefits are. The basic procedures will include a self-study of how a novice user comes to learn to use the application and how expert users (i.e., scientists) use the application. These procedures will help to uncover how the mobile application helps to mediate between these two kinds of users. Interviews and audio/video recordings will be used to learn about how scientists and conservationists have integrated the mobile application(s) and the app’s user-generated data into their day-to-day work.
Project Researcher:
Kerry Schutten PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
This pilot project is part of a broader initiative by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative to investigate the impact of plastic pollution on Ontario wildlife, with a specific focus on birds. A major focus of the broader initiative is to use post-mortem examination of wildlife that are passively collected for surveillance to quantify plastic ingestion and investigate impacts of plastic on wildlife health. This turkey vulture project is intended to establish a baseline understanding of whether vultures are ingesting plastics in Ontario – this understanding will help us to develop future work that assesses health metrics in these species. Turkey vultures are scavenger bird species that regularly feed at landfills and other human-dominated landscapes, and therefore are potentially important sentinel species to study the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Project Researcher:
Natalie Houde, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke and Dr. Alex Smith
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Frogs are great, not only because they are well-loved by many, but also because they are important to nature. Frogs are an irreplaceable food source for many animals, and they keep insect populations under control by feeding on them. Unfortunately, frogs and their prey are facing alarming declines because of habitat loss. It is still poorly understood how this affects food webs in Canada. For these reasons, I am researching the diets of frogs across Southern Ontario by using poop! The frogs caught for my project will stay in comfortable cages overnight. The next morning, their cages will be checked for poop and all frogs will be released back to the wild. By collecting these poop samples and analyzing them with state-of-the-art molecular techniques, I can learn what the frogs ate without causing them any harm. Learning this information is valuable for Canada’s efforts towards amphibian conservation.
Project Researcher:
Project Supervisor:
Contact Us for Previous Research
For access to research conducted before 2018, please reach out to us directly and we would be happy to provide information on past projects.
Project Researcher:
Kristyn Richardson
Project Supervisor:
Bird Studies Canada
Barn swallows nest almost exclusively on human-made structures such as barns, sheds, bridges and culverts and are the most widely distributed of all swallows. As such, many people would be shocked to learn that the Ontario populations has declined by 66% since 1970. Despite how frequently humans overlap with these swallows (part of a group of birds collectively called aerial insectivores because of their habit of eating flying insects while flying high in the air) we know relatively little about them. While the causes of these declines are unknown, here in Ontario educations in the amount of available nesting habitat as well as human-caused disturbance are two potential reasons. The results of the artificial nesting structure project on the rare property, as well as the complimentary social cues research, will be used to determine what breeding habitat characteristics are most important for Barn Swallows in Ontario and inform Best Management Practices for the conservation of this species.
Project Researcher:
Philippe Van Cappellen
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Traditionally, management of water resources has focused on surface water bodies (streams, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, etc.) or on groundwater as if they were separate entities. As the use of land and water resources intensifies, the hydraulic connection between surface water and groundwater has become recognized as a crucial element in water management. This research will monitor the spatial distributions of nutrient elements (C, N, P, Si, K and S) and key biogeochemical redox indicators (in particular, iron) in the riparian and hyphoreic zones of a small, groundwater-fed stream on the rare Charitable Research Reserve over the course of one year. The spatio-temporal patterns will be used to unravel the key biogeochemical transformations affecting nutrient speciation and fluxes within the riparian and hyporheic filter zones, and establish their response to seasonal variations in stream hydrology, soil temperature and biological activity.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Tallgrass prairie formerly occupied 80,000 to 100,000 hectares in southwestern Ontario but less than 5% of that remains. Andrew plans to convert an agricultural field on rare property (most recently used to grow soybeans) into a native tallgrass prairie. There are several main goals of this research. The first is to determine the factors that ensure success in prairie restoration especially the ability of tallgrass prairies to resist invasion from non-target species; particularly exotic agronomic grasses. The second objective is to determine the factors that influence the pattern of distribution of plant species in a tallgrass prairie; i.e. are these factors environmental or non-environmental? The third objective is to restore a tallgrass prairie research site that will eventually look like a tallgrass prairie rather than a checkerboard pattern of research plots that will require constant maintenance. This sampling design will help address the research questions but will also restore the function of this ecosystem for creatures such as birds, insects and small mammals. The research project consists of a five-year building phase followed by a longer-term monitoring and manipulation phase.
Project Researcher:
Paul Kron, Research Associate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Closely related species can sometimes reproduce to produce hybrid organisms. Two such species are the domestic apple and the wild crabapple. Paul is studying the complex genetic interactions between these two species. This involves several components. What is the genetic variability within the wild crabapple? What is the fate of hybrids in the natural environment; i.e. do they survive and reproduce? Over 25 saplings from each of five genetically different apple strains were grown from seeds collected on rare property (three crabapple variants plus two hybrids with the domestic apple) and planted in the alvar complex. The fate of these individuals is being monitored over a ten-year period. The genetic variation of pollen and seed from mature trees of both species will also be determined. This will provide insight into the nature of the reproductive pathways that occur among these two species that lead to the production of fruits and seed. This research will provide important information on the potential impacts of introducing genetically-modified organisms (organisms intentionally modified by humans) into the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
eremy deWaard
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG)
Despite their importance, arthropods only represent a minor component in most biodiversity assessments because of the difficulty in their identification to a species level through morphological study. Our project will overcome this barrier by coupling high-throughput sequencing platforms with the capacity of DNA barcoding to discriminate species. This approach will allow us to document patterns of species distribution and diversity at scales and in settings where this was previously impossible. Arthropods will be collected using Malaise traps across over 50 sites in southern Ontario and Quebec, including the rare Charitable Research Reserve . This project will contribute to the international Terrestrial Arthropod Monitoring Program which aims to detail arthropod diversity across ecoregions in ten nations. Particularly, this project will provide data for the Mixedwood Plains ecoregion in Canada. This study is also an extension of previous surveys using the same collecting method and sampling sites in order to assess long-term trends in arthropod biodiversity.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals ( Cardinalis cardinalis ) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus , are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Principal Investigator
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
In an uncertain future climate, both the quantity and quality of water supplied by headwater wetland source areas in cold regions are expected to change significantly. However, our knowledge of how climate change will impact the biogeochemical functioning and hydrochemistry of these source areas remains limited. We propose to elucidate the role of winter soil processes on the export of carbon (C) and nutrients (N, P, S, Fe) to the river network under changing climate conditions. The project builds on the hypothesis that spring pulses of dissolved organic and inorganic C and nutrients by these headwaters reflect the cumulative effects of microbial and geochemical processing of redox sensitive elements during the non-growing season. The project will advance the predictive understanding of C and nutrient cycling in soils of headwater source areas under seasonal snow and ice cover. The project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in C and nutrient stocks, speciation and fluxes driven by variations in snow cover and freeze-thaw cycles. Overall, the proposed project will enhance our ability to evaluate the impact of different potential climatic scenarios on C and nutrient export and speciation along the aquatic continuum.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Jessica Linton
Project Supervisor:
Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
In 2015 NRSI began a multi-year collaborative project to address key actions and knowledge gaps identified in the Draft Recovery Strategy for Mottled Duskywing. This proposal builds on previous projects by focusing on achieving the government-supported recovery goals for the species. The current project involves inventory work, research, and collaborative activities which support multi-species SAR butterfly recovery.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis , the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
e are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also
be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rare Charitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Peter Kevan
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences & the Arthur Dobbs Institute
The internal temperatures within flowers and stem of herbaceous plants are not well studied. Most of the information on temperatures within flowers and their ecological significance has been gathered in cool, Arctic and alpine environments. Temperature regimes in the hollow stems of herbaceous plants seems to never to have been studied, yet probably 2/3 of temperate zone herbaceous plants have hollow stems. Our project is to survey the incidence of hollow stems in Canadian plants and to assess how elevated temperatures that build up in them is achieved (microgreenhouse effects) and to measure the temperatures within flowers that can act as parabolic/spheric dishes, as simple discs, and as microgreenhouses as in air enclosing blossoms. The measurements obtained will be related to growth and maturation rates, reproductive ecology of the plants, their phenologies, and habitats.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as amonitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Heather Townsend, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
My research project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in phosphorous stocks, speciation, and fluxes driven by variations in snow-cover and freeze-thaw cycles as they relate to phosphorous export from agricultural soils to water resources. In my MSc research project, I am conducting a series of novel laboratory-controlled experiments that will specifically investigate the role of the seasonal freeze-thaw events on the fate, transport, and cycling of phosphorous in agricultural soils during the winter transition (fall-winter and winter-spring) and non-growing season. The experimental results will be integrated into a reactive transport model to quantitatively assess the effects of winter conditions on below-ground phosphorous speciation, transformation rates and bioavailability. This research
has implications for soil fertility, groundwater and surface water quality, and our understanding of seasonal variability in phosphorous losses from agricultural soils. The model results will predict how the export of water, phosphorous, and other nutrients in cold regions may respond to projected winter warming and advise best management practices regarding Canadian’s agricultural future in a changing climate. The data and insights gained through the proposed experimental and modeling activities will yield a better conceptual understanding of soil phosphorous cycling and strengthen its representation in coupled biogeochemical-hydrological models.
Project Researcher:
Alannah Grant, MsC Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The urban environment is currently the fastest growing habitat type on the planet. This rapid expansion of the urban landscape poses new stressors and challenges to which wildlife in these environments must respond and adapt. My study examines the affects of the urban environment on eastern grey squirrel stress and brain development in mother squirrels and their pups. To do this I will be comparing the physiology of squirrels found in urban locations to squirrels in non-urban locations, like rare , that provide a non-disturbed, organic habitat in the midst of urbanization.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve , the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew Trant
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In an era of climate change, understanding changes to forest composition and productivity requires detailed knowledge of factors influencing growth, regeneration and establishment. However, this is complicated by the long-term history of people interacting with the environment. Failing to consider these forests as coupled human-environment systems may impair our ability to understand how they will respond to changes in site and growing conditions. The long-term focus of my lab’s research is to measure past and present patterns of ecosystem services across culturally rich, economically important, and biodiverse landscapes. Through quantitative assessment of past, present and future forests, this research will provide important insight for guiding management and conservation decisions. To accomplish this, I will establish long-term field sites on rare properties. Using a variety of ethnobotanical, dendroecological, and experimental approaches at multiple spatial scales, my research will provide important information on the future of these landscapes.
Project Researcher:
Kyle Schang, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew Trant
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In this project, we want to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the northern range limit of Carolinian tree species in Ontario. At rare, we want to see how shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), a Carolinian species, competes against sugar maples (Acer saccharum), a dominant species of the region under current and future climate scenarios.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Associate Professor & Dr. Marcel O’Gorman
Project Supervisor:
Professor and Research Chair
University of Waterloo, Critical Media Lab (CML), Department of English
Hirondelusia is a barn swallow habitat modified from designs approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to mitigate habitat loss. Using a critical design approach, it explores what happens when humans and non-humans encounter structures approved for species at risk. Through a collaborative, combined academic and creative approach, Hirondelusia seeks HOW and WHY specific species at risk recovery strategies are designed and built, and WHAT seeing structures like this tell humans about threatened species like the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirondelusia was part of CAFKA 2021 and is now located beside the rare ECO Centre.
Project Researcher:
Erika Myler, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Robert Hanner
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an innovative technique that involves analyzing the DNA in an environmental sample to identify which species are present, without capturing or sighting an animal. Using this approach, we will collect and analyze water samples from the Eramosa and Grand Rivers to characterize local fish communities, including species at risk and invasive alien species.
Project Researcher:
Lauren Witterick, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Liana Zanette
University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
My work looks at the enduring effects of fear on the brain and behaviour in wildlife. I use audio playbacks of local predator or non-predator species to manipulate the levels of predation risk in white-footed mice in their natural habitat. I will monitor how the fear of predators impacts foraging behaviour, particularly how much food animals leave behind when they are scared. I will also look at the enduring effects on the brain through changes in activation, neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons), and neuron structure in regions associated with fear processing. My work on the brain is adapted from laboratory models for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where predators or their cues are often used to induce PTSD-like symptoms to study the causes and treatments of PTSD. Finding similar enduring effects in the brains of free-living wildlife will address gaps in the ecology and conservation literature by linking the behavioural and demographic consequences of fear with effects on the brain and will expand on biomedical models for PTSD by addressing the effects of fear on the brain outside of a captive laboratory environment.
Project Researcher:
Carolyn Morris, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christopher M. Wood
University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a naturally occurring complex compound and is the product of the breakdown of organic matter in soil and water. It is often the most abundant dissolved component in freshwaters (Thurman, 1985). Its importance is widely recognized in aquatic toxicology, and recently in national environmental regulations in the United States and the European Union (EU), as the most important protective agent against metal toxicity (e.g. aluminum, copper, lead, zinc) because of its ability to bind up metals and reduce their bioavailability. However, it has been largely ignored by physiologists as a major water quality parameter. Recent studies have suggested that it may exert direct protective effects on ionoregulation (blood salt regulation) in freshwater fish, and this may be, in part the same explanation responsible for the protective effects noted against the negative actions of metals and low pH in fish. However, virtually nothing is known about the physiological mechanisms of this protection. This is the subject of my doctoral research.
Project Researcher:
Michelle Bomberry, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Debra Harwood
Brock University, Department of Education
The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to explore Haudenosaunee earth-based (more commonly known as land-based pedagogies), as a culturally relevant learning model for Indigenous students. Using the Tree of Peace methodology symbolic to Haudenosaunee epitemology, the research will draw on conversational circles with their parents, earth-based educators, children, and knowledge holders.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Amanda Liczner, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
While foraging in agricultural landscapes, bumble bees can be exposed to different environmental stressors including pesticides which can negatively effect their flight behaviour and memory. We will test the impact of two pesticide classes on bumble bee queen flight behaviour using radio-tracking technology. Radio-tracking will also be used to learn more about bumble bee hibernation habitat.
Project Researcher:
Dr Elizabeth Clare
Project Supervisor:
York University, Department of Biology
My research group has a history of developing new technologies which use environmental DNA. We have collected this material from water, faeces, the gut track of terrestrial leeches and from dung beetles as a method to track interactions between species and terrestrial biodiversity. Most recently we invented a method to filter eDNA from air samples. We have demonstrated the utility in laboratory settings and in a survey of a zoological park where we were able to detect mammals and birds from the eDNA carried in the air. Our method is almost silent and thus very non-invasive to wildlife. This technique has the strong probability to transform terrestrial biomonitoring just as it has in aquatic ecology and management. In the proposed work we want to measure how eDNA accumulates and dissipates in a natural setting. We propose to collect samples: 1) before birds return, when we expect there may be no eDNA (negative control) at the location 2) when they are present, and there should be detectable eDNA in the air (positive control) and 3) after they depart at frequent intervals to try and assess how long the eDNA persists in the environment.
Project Researcher:
Sarah MacKell, Lead Biologist
Project Supervisor:
Wildlife Preservation Canada, Native Pollinator Initiative
In 2022, WPC’s research team will continue conducting expert pollinator surveys in spring (April, May, and June) to locate rare and declining bumble bees throughout Ontario, including southern Ontario. WPC will survey sites in the historical range of the endangered rusty-patched bumble bee (B. affinis) and the gypsy cuckoo bumble bee (B. bohemicus) in an attempt to (re-) discover extant populations of this and other rare or declining species (e.g., B. pensylvanicus, and B. terricola), and to gain more information on the composition and status of all bumble bee species in the province. Bumble bee worker surveys may also be conducted throughout the spring, summer, and fall as time and researcher availability permits. During spring surveys field crews will collect yellow-banded bumble bee (B. terricola) and brown-belted bumble bee (B. griseocollis) queens for use in WPC’s conservation breeding program. Fecal sampling will also be conducted in order to assess community health, and the health of the queens brought into the conservation breeding program.
Project Researcher:
Michael McTavish, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sandy Smith
University of Toronto, Institute of Forestry and Conservation
Introduced Phragmites is a highly competitive non-native grass that has a variety of undesirable impacts on native biodiversity and ecological processes. Biological control (i.e., the release of highly specific natural enemies) is a promising tool to supplement existing management approaches such as herbicides and mowing. Biological control is now being implemented at a pilot scale in southern Ontario using two stem-boring moth species that kill or stunt the growth of Phragmites. In this project, the two moths will be released as eggs and larvae into patches of Phragmites and monitored for several years. This project will provide information about the impacts of biological control agents on introduced Phragmites, how other vegetation recovers following control, how the moths spread to nearby weed patches, and how the two biological control agents interact with each other when released in the same location. This research will help develop biological control as a safe, effective, and affordable option to help manage one of Canada’s worst invasive plants.
Project Researcher:
Megan Schmidt, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Maria Strack
University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
This project aims to understand how carbon is cycled and stored in swamps across Southern Ontario and how environmental factors such as location, water table, and vegetation type impact it. We will look at how much carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are exchanged between the atmosphere and the soil and trees, how much carbon is stored in the soil, trees, and plants, and how much is retained or lost through leaf drop and vegetation die back and decomposition. We will create a carbon balance for the entire ecosystem and better understand the impact swamps may have on climate through greenhouse gas emissions or storage.
Project Researcher:
Sarah Marshall, MES Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Jeremy Pittman
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will consider different tools to analyze the connectivity of the landscape of Waterloo Region, to assist the rare Charitable Research Reserve in its goal to protect more conservation lands in the coming years. I will evaluate the use of different tools in their usefulness to the raresites land securement team. Once I have collected this information, my thesis will provide detailed recommendations to the raresites land securement committee as they work on revisions for their Land Securement Strategy, due for an update in 2023. I also intend to create a user-friendly landscape connectivity analysis tool which is best suited for use by the rare Planning Ecologist and Land Securement Team.
Project Researcher:
Kassandra Pineda, MSc Candidate & Morgan Basile, BSc Student
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Webb
University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
Our research seeks to identify evidence of land-use change using plant residues preserved in soils. Plant residues deposited in the soil are eventually transformed into soil organic matter that is rich in carbon and remains in the soil for thousands of years. Biochar formed from burning of tall-grass prairies is also a form of resistant carbon stored in the soils. We will use two innovative geochemical techniques to understand carbon preservation in soils at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Stable carbon isotopes of soil organic matter (SOM)preserved in soil aggregates will be used to measure how quickly fresh carbon is incorporated into the SOM reservoir after a change in land-use (e.g., restoration of agricultural land to grassland). We are also developing a new technique using the oxygen-isotope values of charcoal as an indicator of burn temperature of past fires. The charcoal in the Blair Flats prairie restoration will be analyzed to assess the char’s contribution to carbon storage in grassland soil.
Project Researcher:
Lisa Hirmer
Project Supervisor:
Made from lime, olivine, straw, graphite and charcoal, The Atmosphere is Always Still Being Made is a carbon capturing sculpture that continuously absorbs atmosphere carbon dioxide. This means that as your breath joins the air between you and the sculpture, some of the carbon in your exhalation is likely to become part of the sculpture. Over time the sculpture will harden due to this carbon absorption, eventually becoming limestone. This means that breath becomes air, which becomes sculpture, which becomes geology—a reminder that we live in exchange with the atmospheric and geologic conditions of this planet. The work is meant to offer a space of contemplation for contemplation around climate change, acknowledging both the massive scale of the climate emergency and the possibility that things could be different.
Project Researcher:
Xinda Lu, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Josh Neufeld
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology,
Nitrogen is a key element controlling terrestrial productivity. Nitrification, mediated by microorganisms, converts reduced (ammonia) to oxidized (nitrite and nitrate) forms of nitrogen. Nitrification has profound influences on the environment, for example, by contributing greenhouse gasses (nitrous oxide) and leaching fertilizer nitrogen (nitrate). Although nitrification has been studied for over a century, it is only recently that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were discovered in addition to their counterparts, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), which were formerly regarded as the sole contributors to nitrification. Since their discovery, questions regarding the ecology, physiology, and metabolism of AOA are still not well answered. This project will combine molecular methods, microcosm incubations, and bioinformatics to study the biogeography and activity of soil AOA in an effort to better understand AOA distributions and function. As main part of this project, soil samples will be collected at rare Charitable Research Reserve, and microcosm incubation will be set up under different conditions (temperature and substrate form). Short-term and long-term soil incubation aim at elucidating the influence of temperature and different forms of nitrogen (organic/inorganic) on AOA activity, adding more evidence to the niche seperation of soil AOA.
Project Researcher:
Meghan Grgruic, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. François Tardif
University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture
As a human facilitated introduced species, giant hogweed poses a threat to habitat diversity and ecosystem health. As an invasive species, giant hogweed is thought to reduce diversity among native plant communities where its colonies have established. This is especially true when monocultures become established within populations due to the high quantity of seeds produced per plant. Its large leaf area has the potential to shade smaller plants, as well as increase riverbank erosion when the senescence of vegetation creates bare ground in the fall and winter. This erosion can have a number of consequences, including the threat to fish and other organisms, from both changes to their habitat and possible addition of chemical substrates. With these negative influences giant hogweed has on communities it’s invaded, safe and effective management is important. Giant hogweed’s proximity to water makes control without chemicals necessary but challenging due to its persistence and regenerative abilities. This research will investigate different manual control treatments and how they affect the ability hogweed has to produce viable seed through regeneration.
Project Researcher:
Mason Stothart, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
One of the primary mechanisms hypothesized to facilitate the invasion of nascent niches created by urbanization is synanthropic modification of a species’ stress response. In vertebrates, stress physiology plays an important role in regulating everything from homeostasis and immunity, to ‘fight or flight’ behavioural responses. The closer human-association implicit in synurban adaptive modification of an organism’s stress response, would not only increase incidences of human-wildlife conflict, but also zoonotic disease risk. Further exacerbating this risk is the connection between stress and immune physiology, since changes in the former could compromise the latter, thereby increasing pathogen prevalence on the urban environment. While the importance of understanding these processes is emphasized in the literature, little is known about synurban stress physiology, and even less about its interaction with disease transmission. Using a combination of field, lab, and citizen science techniques, I propose to characterize longitudinal synanthropic patterns in stress/immune physiology, and disease ecology in urban and exurban populations of eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).
Project Researcher:
Jeremy Pittman
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will engage gardeners using rare’s community gardening plots to document and quantify the garden’s impact to local food security, environmental awareness, and ecosystem services. Community gardens can play an important role in (1) providing access to locally produced foods, (2) ensuring a cost-effective source of healthy produce, and (3) contributing to the health and wellbeing of urban residents. The specific role of rare’s community gardens in providing these benefits will be determined by surveying community gardeners. The survey will provide quantitative and in-depth information on the impact of the gardens, which will help communicate their benefits to the public.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus, are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Heather Cray, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Since only 1-3% of tallgrass prairie habitat remains in North America, dedicated citizens, scientists, and government officials are working to restore prairie in southern Ontario. Most of these restorations are done by either hand-broadcasting or drilling-in seeds on ex-agricultural land. While there is increasing evidence that invasive earthworms are important ecosystem engineers, surprisingly little is known about their effect on invaded habitat. Despite knowing that exotic earthworms are spreading across Ontario and that they both eat and bury seeds, key information about the presence, community structure, and population density of these seed predators is lacking. This project will address this knowledge gap at rare by assessing the earthworm population in the restored tallgrass prairie at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. The results of this work will inform future prairie restoration by adding another piece to the complex food web of establishing habitats and will deepen our understanding of factors related to earthworm invasion.
Project Researcher:
Winnie (Hui Ling) Yang, M.Sc Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Urbanization is a threat to many natural ecosystems across the globe. Human invasion into thenatural landscape yields an entirely novel ecosystem for local wildlife populations, beyondanything they have ever experienced. This study aims to identify potential mechanisms that driveurban adaptation by characterizing changes in behavioural temperaments and stress physiology,specifically in the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). We trapped and sampled squirrelsfrom the University of Guelph and the rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, whichrepresents our urban and rural sites, respectively. Open field (OF) trials were conducted onsquirrels to quantify exploratory behaviour, while stress physiology was evaluated throughdexamethasone-ACTH hormone challenges and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs).Squirrels were initially assessed in May and June, followed by a second assessment in July andAugust 2019. Interestingly, preliminary results show that rural squirrels were bolder in the OFarena compared to urban squirrels, but do not differ in other behavioural traits. Additionally,FGMs were consistently higher in urban squirrels whereas the reactivity of the stress axis is morecomplex as it is influenced by site, sex and capture number. These results suggest thattemperament differences observed between urban and rural squirrels may be the result ofphenotypic plasticity instead of inherent changes in personality. Furthermore, our results showthat urban squirrels possess a unique stress response from that of their rural conspecifics andthus may contribute to shaping an urban phenotype. In summation, our findings provide crucialinsight into the potential mechanisms of adaptation that allow the eastern grey squirrel to thrivein an urban environment.
Project Researcher:
Ellen Esch, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships are widely observed in nature. These relationships are largely attributed to niche complementarity effects or selection effects of diverse plant species. If plant species have differential preferences in time or space for nutrient uptake, the complementarity hypothesis holds that resources will be used more efficiently and completely, thereby allowing for greater ecosystem-level functionality. In contrast, the selection effect purports that capturing the direct contributions from inherently high functioning species become increasingly probable as the richness of a species assemblage increases. Despite the widespread acceptance that biodiversity promotes ecosystem function, the most abundant ecosystem on the planet – agricultural landscapes – largely overlook biodiversity as a potential mechanism through which ecosystem function could be enhanced. Here, we propose a test of diversity-function relationships to ask if increasing species richness provides an opportunity to maintain target productivity levels while best conserving, and in exceptional instances restoring, total ecosystem functionality within an agricultural context.
Project Researcher:
Mallory Moscovitch, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Götz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The rapid growth of new media in recent years has greatly influenced how data is collected by citizen scientists. It is clear that new media are expanding into a wide range of data collection practices, yet the ways in which the underlying designs of new media impact citizen scientists and the data they collect are not clear. I seek to orient new media users along with the media they exploit as central to my analysis. By studying a group of citizen scientist birders as they interact with new media in the data collection process, I seek to gain deeper insights into the communicative nature of new media and the designs that underpin them. In turn, I hope to shed light on future digital designs and new media used at rare and the wider citizen science community.
Project Researcher:
Erik Etzler, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Darryl Gwynne
University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sexual ornaments often result in increased risk of being caught by predators. Increased mortality can lead to evolution of those traits to optimize survival and sexual reproduction. Previous work has tended to focus on the effects of a single predator, so my project aims to look at how multiple predators interact to affect the evolution of sexual ornaments in a prey species. The prey species is O. nigricornis, a species of tree cricket, and the predators are I. mexicana, a predatory wasp, and S. neglecta, and parasitoid fly. These species were chosen as both predators leave their prey relatively intact, allowing for direct comparisons between crickets that are being targeted and survivors.
Project Researcher:
Linden Fairbairn, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Philippe Van Cappellen and Fereidoun Rezanezhad
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Pollution of ground- and surface waters with nutrients from agricultural sources leads to eutrophication of water bodies and is a major stressor on Canada’s water resources. Eutrophication can harm aquatic ecosystem communities by causing excessive algae growth and hypoxic zones, which has implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Consequently, controlling the movement of nutrients from soil to water has become a major goal of conservation practices. To plan for effective nutrient management in the future, we need to develop a better understanding of the processes that control nutrient losses from soil, especially under future climate change as rainfall events become more intense. In this project, I will investigate nutrient mobility in agricultural soils at rare. Specifically, I will be looking at how dynamic hydrologic conditions in soil affect nutrient mobility and the microbial communities that influence nutrient processing, and how intensifying rainfall will impact these. The outcomes of this project will lead to more effective nutrient management strategies to protect aquatic ecosystems from the ramifications of nutrient pollution.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
We are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rareCharitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Supervisor: Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Leanne Grieves, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Beth MacDougall-Shackleton
Western University, Department of Biology
Blood-borne parasites are found on nearly every continent and infect approximately 70% of bird species worldwide. Given their ability to infect multiple species and the anticipated range expansions of parasites associated with climate change, understanding host-parasite interactions is increasingly important. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a diverse gene family that plays a crucial role in the immune response to pathogens. MHC genotypes may affect the ability of populations to persevere under changing parasite pressures. I will study three song sparrow populations in Ontario, including sparrows at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Using next-generation sequencing, microscopy, and song analysis software, I will explore whether 1) MHC genotypes are correlated with parasites, 2) different breeding populations show differences in parasite load (intensity of infection) and diversity (number of lineages), 3) parasite communities differ throughout the breeding season, and 4) increased parasite load decreases song performance. Understanding population differences in how birds cope with parasitic infections and the correlations between infection and fitness may inform future management decisions in songbirds.
Project Researcher:
Alana Wilcox, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Ryan Norris and Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
During the spring and early summer, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) lay eggs on milkweed (Asclepias spp.), which, by the third generation of monarchs in late fall, results in individuals having a unique migratory physiology (i.e., long, thing wings]). These monarch butterflies then undergo a nearly 4000 km migration from Southern Canada to the Oyamel fir forests in Mexico where they will overwinter for 9 months before beginning a multigenerational migration northward. Unfortunately, this migratory phenomenon is at risk due to various threats including exposure to agricultural chemicals. Neonicotinoid pesticides are known to affect the mobility, reproductive output and survival of insects, with studies focusing on honeybees and bumblebees. Unfortunately, little is known about the effects on monarch butterflies. This project aims to assess the effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin on monarch reproductive output, development, and migration capacity. Monarchs will be reared on milkweed grown in soil treated with the pesticide, during which we will monitor development. Once adults, monarchs will be mated to assess reproductive output (e.g., the number of eggs produced). Monarchs reared in fall will be tested using a flight simulator to gauge whether they naturally orient SW, as expected during migration.
Project Researcher:
Andrew Judge
Project Supervisor:
Conestoga College, Indigenous Studies
Indigenous land practices involve the following seven steps for the development of a sustainable landscape: Step 1: Observation, planning, and community engagement; Step 2: Clearing the land, seed saving and initiating a design; Step 3: Planting, irrigating and fertilizing; Step 4: Maintenance; Step 5: Harvesting; Step 6: Preparing, preserving, and storing harvest and seed; and, Step 7: Sharing and trading. This project proposes to build an Indigenous Garden at rare that implements the above seven steps using traditional Indigenous foods and medicines for the purpose of determining the viability in these steps to collect and maintain seed for future generations. This space will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where local community members can learn practical Indigenous land wisdom. The vision of this proposed garden is to promote Indigenous presence, Indigenous Knowledge exchange, community engagement, and cross-cultural relationship building at rare. By engaging community members in education surrounding Indigenous land-based practices new understanding of Indigenous people can be fostered.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as a monitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Justin Gaudon, Mitacs Elevate – Westfall Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Climate change, land development, invasive species, and other disturbances can destroy the composition, structure, and functions of vegetation across landscapes. These disturbances will impact insect parasitoids, which are a key, and often overlooked, component of the overall biodiversity in forest ecosystems and integral in maintaining diversity among other species through their role in fostering resilient forests. Understanding and monitoring vegetation structure and composition and how it relates to parasitoid populations will help to quickly detect, measure, and forecast negative changes to forest ecosystems. This research will explore the link between plant and parasitoid populations across forests of different successional stages and disturbance regimes to provide (1) a strong basis on which to create and improve ecological restoration and rehabilitation programs and (2) data on the relationship between vegetation and parasitoids to identify and detect the effects of future disturbances and cascade effects on animal species as part of regular, long-term management of forests. This is especially relevant in Ontario as invasive species, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), continue to spread rapidly throughout the province having detrimental impacts on the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve, the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Rohit Verma, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environment
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) trees are currently dying off at rates higher than previously recorded as a result of the rapid spreading of beech bark disease (BBD) in North America. Beech trees are a principal tree species in Ontario’s hardwood forests and are a significant source of nutrition for wildlife. Currently, identifying BBD and severity is performed with on the ground visual inspection of individual beech trees. However, this technique would not be the most efficient if a large area needs to be sampled. Alternatively, recent studies have shown that it is possible to identify certain diseased plants and trees using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal imaging technology because tree leaves, stem and root diseases can cause water stress, reduce transpiration rates and increase canopy temperature. However, whether beech trees infected with BBD are identifiable using thermal imaging is unknown. Consequently, this project will investigate whether capturing thermal imagery of American beech trees, via UAVs, can discern healthy individuals from diseased individuals. If successful, UAVs equipped with high resolution cameras can be a more efficient method at identifying and mapping the extent and severity of BBD than on the ground surveys.
Project Researcher:
Kathleen Church Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christina Semeniuk
University of Windsor, Department of Integrative Biology, Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research (GLIER)
Monitoring behavioural changes in animals can tell us how pollutants, like microplastics (plastic particles < 5 mm), are likely to affect populations. High numbers of microplastics are currently present in freshwater habitats, and these habitats are becoming more susceptible to microplastic pollution over time, especially in cities. Freshwater fishes, including salmonids, are known to mistake microplastic particles for food, and eat them. Laboratory studies show that behavioural changes often result from microplastics ingestion, including altered swimming and foraging behaviour, but it is currently unknown how these behavioural changes scale up to affect population size. This project aims to fill this knowledge gap by using Agent-Based Models (ABMs) to assess how behavioural changes that occur following microplastics ingestion will affect the population viability of stream-dwelling salmonids. This study identifies targets for microplastics pollution likely to prevent declines in salmonid populations, in combination with educational material for rare that aligns with the Canadian government’s intention to ban single use-plastics by the end of 2021, a first step toward zero plastic waste in Canada by 2030.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
BugNet is a global network of scientists that aims to better understand the impacts of invertebrate herbivores and fungal pathogens on different aspects of plant communities. While a few studies have shown big impacts of invertebrates and fungal pathogens, we know little about how generally important they are, and how their functional composition varies across a range of different ecosystems. A powerful tool to quantify the variation in plant consumer communities and their impact are globally coordinated experiments, using standardized measurements and replicated experiments across ecological gradients. The “Bug-Network” will be such a project and aims to explore the context dependency of biotic interactions within a coordinated research network comprised of many grassland- and shrubland sites worldwide.
Project Researcher:
Haolun (Allen) Tian, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed
Queen’s University, Department of Biology
Monitoring biodiversity is a key part of developing climate resiliency in aquatic ecosystem conservation. However, sampling resources are often insufficient to assess the numerous low population density waterbodies present in Ontario. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful emerging tool for non-invasive and economical environmental surveying. As organisms move through their environment, they shed genetic material that we can sample to identify what species are present in a waterbody. With eDNA, we can monitor the status of native plant, fish, and invertebrate populations, locate algal blooms, and detect invasive species. Our project aims to develop an easy-to-use community science oriented eDNA sampling kit and protocol, and field test it in Grand River at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. After developing our kit, we will conduct eDNA sampling with it as well as our lab sampling protocol for comparison. We will compare eDNA yield with the two types of sampling and use DNA metabarcoding to examine what species are present in the river at the rare reserve. By comparing our community science sampling protocol with traditional eDNA sampling techniques and existing lists of species known to be present, we will validate our kit for wider production and use.
Project Researcher:
Julia Aplin, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Leesa Fawcett
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies and Urban Change
I am an interdisciplinary artist with a background in dance and a great love of trees. I am researching how deep listening and artistic practices can help us to better understand and relate to our natural world. I am curious about the sentience of all living things and enhancing our sense of kinship. We are all related, and everything is connected. What would trees tell us if we listen? I see artistic creation as a way to heal our relationship with the earth and through my creativity, I am investigating my place on this Indigenous land, while simultaneously investigating my own Celtic cultural heritage. I will be sharing my arts based research through multi-media projects, writing and community gatherings.
Project Researcher:
Amy Pitura, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Much of southern Ontario has experienced three to four centuries of extensive European and contemporary land use, and millennia of Indigenous land use. Human land use in a stream’s watershed can cause a variety of disturbances to the stream that can, in turn, impact fish populations. Fish populations can respond to disturbance in many ways, including population size changes, splits, and between-population migration. These population-level responses are often reflected in the genetics of future generations. Using modern bioinformatics technologies, we can take advantage of this and use the genetics of modern fish to infer historical population-level responses. My work aims to characterize responses that were caused by human activities within the last 1000 years.
Project Researcher:
Amanda Meuser, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Humans have had a profound impact on the environment in Southern Ontario, through means including agriculture and urbanization. These types of disturbances can disrupt ecosystems and bring previously distant species into close contact, which can allow for hybridization between these species. In my thesis project, I will assess how outcomes of hybridization vary between minnow species, and how the type of disturbance affects the frequency and type of hybrid individuals. Species of interest include creek chub minnows and their hybrid offspring with a number of other related Cyprinidae fish species. While creek chub and related minnow species are not endangered, this research is an opportunity to learn how human disturbance shapes evolution of species native to this area and will hopefully support conservation efforts of endangered taxa in this region and similarly disturbed areas.
Project Researcher:
Alice Xu, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Goetz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The purpose of this study is to learn about what smartphone applications like iNaturalist and eBird enable everyday users and scientists to do, and how it contributes to practical work done by scientists. The anticipated benefits of this study are to make visible the tangible benefits of everyday users to scientists’ work, and precisely what those benefits are. The basic procedures will include a self-study of how a novice user comes to learn to use the application and how expert users (i.e., scientists) use the application. These procedures will help to uncover how the mobile application helps to mediate between these two kinds of users. Interviews and audio/video recordings will be used to learn about how scientists and conservationists have integrated the mobile application(s) and the app’s user-generated data into their day-to-day work.
Project Researcher:
Kerry Schutten PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
This pilot project is part of a broader initiative by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative to investigate the impact of plastic pollution on Ontario wildlife, with a specific focus on birds. A major focus of the broader initiative is to use post-mortem examination of wildlife that are passively collected for surveillance to quantify plastic ingestion and investigate impacts of plastic on wildlife health. This turkey vulture project is intended to establish a baseline understanding of whether vultures are ingesting plastics in Ontario – this understanding will help us to develop future work that assesses health metrics in these species. Turkey vultures are scavenger bird species that regularly feed at landfills and other human-dominated landscapes, and therefore are potentially important sentinel species to study the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Project Researcher:
Natalie Houde, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke and Dr. Alex Smith
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Frogs are great, not only because they are well-loved by many, but also because they are important to nature. Frogs are an irreplaceable food source for many animals, and they keep insect populations under control by feeding on them. Unfortunately, frogs and their prey are facing alarming declines because of habitat loss. It is still poorly understood how this affects food webs in Canada. For these reasons, I am researching the diets of frogs across Southern Ontario by using poop! The frogs caught for my project will stay in comfortable cages overnight. The next morning, their cages will be checked for poop and all frogs will be released back to the wild. By collecting these poop samples and analyzing them with state-of-the-art molecular techniques, I can learn what the frogs ate without causing them any harm. Learning this information is valuable for Canada’s efforts towards amphibian conservation.
Project Researcher:
Project Supervisor:
Contact Us for Previous Research
For access to research conducted before 2018, please reach out to us directly and we would be happy to provide information on past projects.
Project Researcher:
Kristyn Richardson
Project Supervisor:
Bird Studies Canada
Barn swallows nest almost exclusively on human-made structures such as barns, sheds, bridges and culverts and are the most widely distributed of all swallows. As such, many people would be shocked to learn that the Ontario populations has declined by 66% since 1970. Despite how frequently humans overlap with these swallows (part of a group of birds collectively called aerial insectivores because of their habit of eating flying insects while flying high in the air) we know relatively little about them. While the causes of these declines are unknown, here in Ontario educations in the amount of available nesting habitat as well as human-caused disturbance are two potential reasons. The results of the artificial nesting structure project on the rare property, as well as the complimentary social cues research, will be used to determine what breeding habitat characteristics are most important for Barn Swallows in Ontario and inform Best Management Practices for the conservation of this species.
Project Researcher:
Philippe Van Cappellen
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Traditionally, management of water resources has focused on surface water bodies (streams, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, etc.) or on groundwater as if they were separate entities. As the use of land and water resources intensifies, the hydraulic connection between surface water and groundwater has become recognized as a crucial element in water management. This research will monitor the spatial distributions of nutrient elements (C, N, P, Si, K and S) and key biogeochemical redox indicators (in particular, iron) in the riparian and hyphoreic zones of a small, groundwater-fed stream on the rare Charitable Research Reserve over the course of one year. The spatio-temporal patterns will be used to unravel the key biogeochemical transformations affecting nutrient speciation and fluxes within the riparian and hyporheic filter zones, and establish their response to seasonal variations in stream hydrology, soil temperature and biological activity.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Tallgrass prairie formerly occupied 80,000 to 100,000 hectares in southwestern Ontario but less than 5% of that remains. Andrew plans to convert an agricultural field on rare property (most recently used to grow soybeans) into a native tallgrass prairie. There are several main goals of this research. The first is to determine the factors that ensure success in prairie restoration especially the ability of tallgrass prairies to resist invasion from non-target species; particularly exotic agronomic grasses. The second objective is to determine the factors that influence the pattern of distribution of plant species in a tallgrass prairie; i.e. are these factors environmental or non-environmental? The third objective is to restore a tallgrass prairie research site that will eventually look like a tallgrass prairie rather than a checkerboard pattern of research plots that will require constant maintenance. This sampling design will help address the research questions but will also restore the function of this ecosystem for creatures such as birds, insects and small mammals. The research project consists of a five-year building phase followed by a longer-term monitoring and manipulation phase.
Project Researcher:
Paul Kron, Research Associate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Closely related species can sometimes reproduce to produce hybrid organisms. Two such species are the domestic apple and the wild crabapple. Paul is studying the complex genetic interactions between these two species. This involves several components. What is the genetic variability within the wild crabapple? What is the fate of hybrids in the natural environment; i.e. do they survive and reproduce? Over 25 saplings from each of five genetically different apple strains were grown from seeds collected on rare property (three crabapple variants plus two hybrids with the domestic apple) and planted in the alvar complex. The fate of these individuals is being monitored over a ten-year period. The genetic variation of pollen and seed from mature trees of both species will also be determined. This will provide insight into the nature of the reproductive pathways that occur among these two species that lead to the production of fruits and seed. This research will provide important information on the potential impacts of introducing genetically-modified organisms (organisms intentionally modified by humans) into the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
eremy deWaard
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG)
Despite their importance, arthropods only represent a minor component in most biodiversity assessments because of the difficulty in their identification to a species level through morphological study. Our project will overcome this barrier by coupling high-throughput sequencing platforms with the capacity of DNA barcoding to discriminate species. This approach will allow us to document patterns of species distribution and diversity at scales and in settings where this was previously impossible. Arthropods will be collected using Malaise traps across over 50 sites in southern Ontario and Quebec, including the rare Charitable Research Reserve . This project will contribute to the international Terrestrial Arthropod Monitoring Program which aims to detail arthropod diversity across ecoregions in ten nations. Particularly, this project will provide data for the Mixedwood Plains ecoregion in Canada. This study is also an extension of previous surveys using the same collecting method and sampling sites in order to assess long-term trends in arthropod biodiversity.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals ( Cardinalis cardinalis ) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus , are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Principal Investigator
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
In an uncertain future climate, both the quantity and quality of water supplied by headwater wetland source areas in cold regions are expected to change significantly. However, our knowledge of how climate change will impact the biogeochemical functioning and hydrochemistry of these source areas remains limited. We propose to elucidate the role of winter soil processes on the export of carbon (C) and nutrients (N, P, S, Fe) to the river network under changing climate conditions. The project builds on the hypothesis that spring pulses of dissolved organic and inorganic C and nutrients by these headwaters reflect the cumulative effects of microbial and geochemical processing of redox sensitive elements during the non-growing season. The project will advance the predictive understanding of C and nutrient cycling in soils of headwater source areas under seasonal snow and ice cover. The project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in C and nutrient stocks, speciation and fluxes driven by variations in snow cover and freeze-thaw cycles. Overall, the proposed project will enhance our ability to evaluate the impact of different potential climatic scenarios on C and nutrient export and speciation along the aquatic continuum.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Jessica Linton
Project Supervisor:
Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
In 2015 NRSI began a multi-year collaborative project to address key actions and knowledge gaps identified in the Draft Recovery Strategy for Mottled Duskywing. This proposal builds on previous projects by focusing on achieving the government-supported recovery goals for the species. The current project involves inventory work, research, and collaborative activities which support multi-species SAR butterfly recovery.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis , the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
e are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also
be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rare Charitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Peter Kevan
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences & the Arthur Dobbs Institute
The internal temperatures within flowers and stem of herbaceous plants are not well studied. Most of the information on temperatures within flowers and their ecological significance has been gathered in cool, Arctic and alpine environments. Temperature regimes in the hollow stems of herbaceous plants seems to never to have been studied, yet probably 2/3 of temperate zone herbaceous plants have hollow stems. Our project is to survey the incidence of hollow stems in Canadian plants and to assess how elevated temperatures that build up in them is achieved (microgreenhouse effects) and to measure the temperatures within flowers that can act as parabolic/spheric dishes, as simple discs, and as microgreenhouses as in air enclosing blossoms. The measurements obtained will be related to growth and maturation rates, reproductive ecology of the plants, their phenologies, and habitats.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as amonitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Heather Townsend, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
My research project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in phosphorous stocks, speciation, and fluxes driven by variations in snow-cover and freeze-thaw cycles as they relate to phosphorous export from agricultural soils to water resources. In my MSc research project, I am conducting a series of novel laboratory-controlled experiments that will specifically investigate the role of the seasonal freeze-thaw events on the fate, transport, and cycling of phosphorous in agricultural soils during the winter transition (fall-winter and winter-spring) and non-growing season. The experimental results will be integrated into a reactive transport model to quantitatively assess the effects of winter conditions on below-ground phosphorous speciation, transformation rates and bioavailability. This research
has implications for soil fertility, groundwater and surface water quality, and our understanding of seasonal variability in phosphorous losses from agricultural soils. The model results will predict how the export of water, phosphorous, and other nutrients in cold regions may respond to projected winter warming and advise best management practices regarding Canadian’s agricultural future in a changing climate. The data and insights gained through the proposed experimental and modeling activities will yield a better conceptual understanding of soil phosphorous cycling and strengthen its representation in coupled biogeochemical-hydrological models.
Project Researcher:
Alannah Grant, MsC Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The urban environment is currently the fastest growing habitat type on the planet. This rapid expansion of the urban landscape poses new stressors and challenges to which wildlife in these environments must respond and adapt. My study examines the affects of the urban environment on eastern grey squirrel stress and brain development in mother squirrels and their pups. To do this I will be comparing the physiology of squirrels found in urban locations to squirrels in non-urban locations, like rare , that provide a non-disturbed, organic habitat in the midst of urbanization.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve , the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew Trant
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In an era of climate change, understanding changes to forest composition and productivity requires detailed knowledge of factors influencing growth, regeneration and establishment. However, this is complicated by the long-term history of people interacting with the environment. Failing to consider these forests as coupled human-environment systems may impair our ability to understand how they will respond to changes in site and growing conditions. The long-term focus of my lab’s research is to measure past and present patterns of ecosystem services across culturally rich, economically important, and biodiverse landscapes. Through quantitative assessment of past, present and future forests, this research will provide important insight for guiding management and conservation decisions. To accomplish this, I will establish long-term field sites on rare properties. Using a variety of ethnobotanical, dendroecological, and experimental approaches at multiple spatial scales, my research will provide important information on the future of these landscapes.
Project Researcher:
Kyle Schang, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew Trant
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In this project, we want to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the northern range limit of Carolinian tree species in Ontario. At rare, we want to see how shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), a Carolinian species, competes against sugar maples (Acer saccharum), a dominant species of the region under current and future climate scenarios.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Associate Professor & Dr. Marcel O’Gorman
Project Supervisor:
Professor and Research Chair
University of Waterloo, Critical Media Lab (CML), Department of English
Hirondelusia is a barn swallow habitat modified from designs approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to mitigate habitat loss. Using a critical design approach, it explores what happens when humans and non-humans encounter structures approved for species at risk. Through a collaborative, combined academic and creative approach, Hirondelusia seeks HOW and WHY specific species at risk recovery strategies are designed and built, and WHAT seeing structures like this tell humans about threatened species like the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirondelusia was part of CAFKA 2021 and is now located beside the rare ECO Centre.
Project Researcher:
Erika Myler, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Robert Hanner
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an innovative technique that involves analyzing the DNA in an environmental sample to identify which species are present, without capturing or sighting an animal. Using this approach, we will collect and analyze water samples from the Eramosa and Grand Rivers to characterize local fish communities, including species at risk and invasive alien species.
Project Researcher:
Lauren Witterick, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Liana Zanette
University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
My work looks at the enduring effects of fear on the brain and behaviour in wildlife. I use audio playbacks of local predator or non-predator species to manipulate the levels of predation risk in white-footed mice in their natural habitat. I will monitor how the fear of predators impacts foraging behaviour, particularly how much food animals leave behind when they are scared. I will also look at the enduring effects on the brain through changes in activation, neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons), and neuron structure in regions associated with fear processing. My work on the brain is adapted from laboratory models for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where predators or their cues are often used to induce PTSD-like symptoms to study the causes and treatments of PTSD. Finding similar enduring effects in the brains of free-living wildlife will address gaps in the ecology and conservation literature by linking the behavioural and demographic consequences of fear with effects on the brain and will expand on biomedical models for PTSD by addressing the effects of fear on the brain outside of a captive laboratory environment.
Project Researcher:
Carolyn Morris, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christopher M. Wood
University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a naturally occurring complex compound and is the product of the breakdown of organic matter in soil and water. It is often the most abundant dissolved component in freshwaters (Thurman, 1985). Its importance is widely recognized in aquatic toxicology, and recently in national environmental regulations in the United States and the European Union (EU), as the most important protective agent against metal toxicity (e.g. aluminum, copper, lead, zinc) because of its ability to bind up metals and reduce their bioavailability. However, it has been largely ignored by physiologists as a major water quality parameter. Recent studies have suggested that it may exert direct protective effects on ionoregulation (blood salt regulation) in freshwater fish, and this may be, in part the same explanation responsible for the protective effects noted against the negative actions of metals and low pH in fish. However, virtually nothing is known about the physiological mechanisms of this protection. This is the subject of my doctoral research.
Project Researcher:
Michelle Bomberry, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Debra Harwood
Brock University, Department of Education
The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to explore Haudenosaunee earth-based (more commonly known as land-based pedagogies), as a culturally relevant learning model for Indigenous students. Using the Tree of Peace methodology symbolic to Haudenosaunee epitemology, the research will draw on conversational circles with their parents, earth-based educators, children, and knowledge holders.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Amanda Liczner, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
While foraging in agricultural landscapes, bumble bees can be exposed to different environmental stressors including pesticides which can negatively effect their flight behaviour and memory. We will test the impact of two pesticide classes on bumble bee queen flight behaviour using radio-tracking technology. Radio-tracking will also be used to learn more about bumble bee hibernation habitat.
Project Researcher:
Dr Elizabeth Clare
Project Supervisor:
York University, Department of Biology
My research group has a history of developing new technologies which use environmental DNA. We have collected this material from water, faeces, the gut track of terrestrial leeches and from dung beetles as a method to track interactions between species and terrestrial biodiversity. Most recently we invented a method to filter eDNA from air samples. We have demonstrated the utility in laboratory settings and in a survey of a zoological park where we were able to detect mammals and birds from the eDNA carried in the air. Our method is almost silent and thus very non-invasive to wildlife. This technique has the strong probability to transform terrestrial biomonitoring just as it has in aquatic ecology and management. In the proposed work we want to measure how eDNA accumulates and dissipates in a natural setting. We propose to collect samples: 1) before birds return, when we expect there may be no eDNA (negative control) at the location 2) when they are present, and there should be detectable eDNA in the air (positive control) and 3) after they depart at frequent intervals to try and assess how long the eDNA persists in the environment.
Project Researcher:
Sarah MacKell, Lead Biologist
Project Supervisor:
Wildlife Preservation Canada, Native Pollinator Initiative
In 2022, WPC’s research team will continue conducting expert pollinator surveys in spring (April, May, and June) to locate rare and declining bumble bees throughout Ontario, including southern Ontario. WPC will survey sites in the historical range of the endangered rusty-patched bumble bee (B. affinis) and the gypsy cuckoo bumble bee (B. bohemicus) in an attempt to (re-) discover extant populations of this and other rare or declining species (e.g., B. pensylvanicus, and B. terricola), and to gain more information on the composition and status of all bumble bee species in the province. Bumble bee worker surveys may also be conducted throughout the spring, summer, and fall as time and researcher availability permits. During spring surveys field crews will collect yellow-banded bumble bee (B. terricola) and brown-belted bumble bee (B. griseocollis) queens for use in WPC’s conservation breeding program. Fecal sampling will also be conducted in order to assess community health, and the health of the queens brought into the conservation breeding program.
Project Researcher:
Michael McTavish, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sandy Smith
University of Toronto, Institute of Forestry and Conservation
Introduced Phragmites is a highly competitive non-native grass that has a variety of undesirable impacts on native biodiversity and ecological processes. Biological control (i.e., the release of highly specific natural enemies) is a promising tool to supplement existing management approaches such as herbicides and mowing. Biological control is now being implemented at a pilot scale in southern Ontario using two stem-boring moth species that kill or stunt the growth of Phragmites. In this project, the two moths will be released as eggs and larvae into patches of Phragmites and monitored for several years. This project will provide information about the impacts of biological control agents on introduced Phragmites, how other vegetation recovers following control, how the moths spread to nearby weed patches, and how the two biological control agents interact with each other when released in the same location. This research will help develop biological control as a safe, effective, and affordable option to help manage one of Canada’s worst invasive plants.
Project Researcher:
Megan Schmidt, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Maria Strack
University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
This project aims to understand how carbon is cycled and stored in swamps across Southern Ontario and how environmental factors such as location, water table, and vegetation type impact it. We will look at how much carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are exchanged between the atmosphere and the soil and trees, how much carbon is stored in the soil, trees, and plants, and how much is retained or lost through leaf drop and vegetation die back and decomposition. We will create a carbon balance for the entire ecosystem and better understand the impact swamps may have on climate through greenhouse gas emissions or storage.
Project Researcher:
Sarah Marshall, MES Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Jeremy Pittman
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will consider different tools to analyze the connectivity of the landscape of Waterloo Region, to assist the rare Charitable Research Reserve in its goal to protect more conservation lands in the coming years. I will evaluate the use of different tools in their usefulness to the raresites land securement team. Once I have collected this information, my thesis will provide detailed recommendations to the raresites land securement committee as they work on revisions for their Land Securement Strategy, due for an update in 2023. I also intend to create a user-friendly landscape connectivity analysis tool which is best suited for use by the rare Planning Ecologist and Land Securement Team.
Project Researcher:
Kassandra Pineda, MSc Candidate & Morgan Basile, BSc Student
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Webb
University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
Our research seeks to identify evidence of land-use change using plant residues preserved in soils. Plant residues deposited in the soil are eventually transformed into soil organic matter that is rich in carbon and remains in the soil for thousands of years. Biochar formed from burning of tall-grass prairies is also a form of resistant carbon stored in the soils. We will use two innovative geochemical techniques to understand carbon preservation in soils at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Stable carbon isotopes of soil organic matter (SOM)preserved in soil aggregates will be used to measure how quickly fresh carbon is incorporated into the SOM reservoir after a change in land-use (e.g., restoration of agricultural land to grassland). We are also developing a new technique using the oxygen-isotope values of charcoal as an indicator of burn temperature of past fires. The charcoal in the Blair Flats prairie restoration will be analyzed to assess the char’s contribution to carbon storage in grassland soil.
Project Researcher:
Lisa Hirmer
Project Supervisor:
Made from lime, olivine, straw, graphite and charcoal, The Atmosphere is Always Still Being Made is a carbon capturing sculpture that continuously absorbs atmosphere carbon dioxide. This means that as your breath joins the air between you and the sculpture, some of the carbon in your exhalation is likely to become part of the sculpture. Over time the sculpture will harden due to this carbon absorption, eventually becoming limestone. This means that breath becomes air, which becomes sculpture, which becomes geology—a reminder that we live in exchange with the atmospheric and geologic conditions of this planet. The work is meant to offer a space of contemplation for contemplation around climate change, acknowledging both the massive scale of the climate emergency and the possibility that things could be different.
Project Researcher:
Xinda Lu, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Josh Neufeld
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology,
Nitrogen is a key element controlling terrestrial productivity. Nitrification, mediated by microorganisms, converts reduced (ammonia) to oxidized (nitrite and nitrate) forms of nitrogen. Nitrification has profound influences on the environment, for example, by contributing greenhouse gasses (nitrous oxide) and leaching fertilizer nitrogen (nitrate). Although nitrification has been studied for over a century, it is only recently that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were discovered in addition to their counterparts, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), which were formerly regarded as the sole contributors to nitrification. Since their discovery, questions regarding the ecology, physiology, and metabolism of AOA are still not well answered. This project will combine molecular methods, microcosm incubations, and bioinformatics to study the biogeography and activity of soil AOA in an effort to better understand AOA distributions and function. As main part of this project, soil samples will be collected at rare Charitable Research Reserve, and microcosm incubation will be set up under different conditions (temperature and substrate form). Short-term and long-term soil incubation aim at elucidating the influence of temperature and different forms of nitrogen (organic/inorganic) on AOA activity, adding more evidence to the niche seperation of soil AOA.
Project Researcher:
Meghan Grgruic, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. François Tardif
University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture
As a human facilitated introduced species, giant hogweed poses a threat to habitat diversity and ecosystem health. As an invasive species, giant hogweed is thought to reduce diversity among native plant communities where its colonies have established. This is especially true when monocultures become established within populations due to the high quantity of seeds produced per plant. Its large leaf area has the potential to shade smaller plants, as well as increase riverbank erosion when the senescence of vegetation creates bare ground in the fall and winter. This erosion can have a number of consequences, including the threat to fish and other organisms, from both changes to their habitat and possible addition of chemical substrates. With these negative influences giant hogweed has on communities it’s invaded, safe and effective management is important. Giant hogweed’s proximity to water makes control without chemicals necessary but challenging due to its persistence and regenerative abilities. This research will investigate different manual control treatments and how they affect the ability hogweed has to produce viable seed through regeneration.
Project Researcher:
Mason Stothart, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
One of the primary mechanisms hypothesized to facilitate the invasion of nascent niches created by urbanization is synanthropic modification of a species’ stress response. In vertebrates, stress physiology plays an important role in regulating everything from homeostasis and immunity, to ‘fight or flight’ behavioural responses. The closer human-association implicit in synurban adaptive modification of an organism’s stress response, would not only increase incidences of human-wildlife conflict, but also zoonotic disease risk. Further exacerbating this risk is the connection between stress and immune physiology, since changes in the former could compromise the latter, thereby increasing pathogen prevalence on the urban environment. While the importance of understanding these processes is emphasized in the literature, little is known about synurban stress physiology, and even less about its interaction with disease transmission. Using a combination of field, lab, and citizen science techniques, I propose to characterize longitudinal synanthropic patterns in stress/immune physiology, and disease ecology in urban and exurban populations of eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).
Project Researcher:
Jeremy Pittman
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will engage gardeners using rare’s community gardening plots to document and quantify the garden’s impact to local food security, environmental awareness, and ecosystem services. Community gardens can play an important role in (1) providing access to locally produced foods, (2) ensuring a cost-effective source of healthy produce, and (3) contributing to the health and wellbeing of urban residents. The specific role of rare’s community gardens in providing these benefits will be determined by surveying community gardeners. The survey will provide quantitative and in-depth information on the impact of the gardens, which will help communicate their benefits to the public.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus, are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Heather Cray, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Since only 1-3% of tallgrass prairie habitat remains in North America, dedicated citizens, scientists, and government officials are working to restore prairie in southern Ontario. Most of these restorations are done by either hand-broadcasting or drilling-in seeds on ex-agricultural land. While there is increasing evidence that invasive earthworms are important ecosystem engineers, surprisingly little is known about their effect on invaded habitat. Despite knowing that exotic earthworms are spreading across Ontario and that they both eat and bury seeds, key information about the presence, community structure, and population density of these seed predators is lacking. This project will address this knowledge gap at rare by assessing the earthworm population in the restored tallgrass prairie at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. The results of this work will inform future prairie restoration by adding another piece to the complex food web of establishing habitats and will deepen our understanding of factors related to earthworm invasion.
Project Researcher:
Winnie (Hui Ling) Yang, M.Sc Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Urbanization is a threat to many natural ecosystems across the globe. Human invasion into thenatural landscape yields an entirely novel ecosystem for local wildlife populations, beyondanything they have ever experienced. This study aims to identify potential mechanisms that driveurban adaptation by characterizing changes in behavioural temperaments and stress physiology,specifically in the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). We trapped and sampled squirrelsfrom the University of Guelph and the rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, whichrepresents our urban and rural sites, respectively. Open field (OF) trials were conducted onsquirrels to quantify exploratory behaviour, while stress physiology was evaluated throughdexamethasone-ACTH hormone challenges and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs).Squirrels were initially assessed in May and June, followed by a second assessment in July andAugust 2019. Interestingly, preliminary results show that rural squirrels were bolder in the OFarena compared to urban squirrels, but do not differ in other behavioural traits. Additionally,FGMs were consistently higher in urban squirrels whereas the reactivity of the stress axis is morecomplex as it is influenced by site, sex and capture number. These results suggest thattemperament differences observed between urban and rural squirrels may be the result ofphenotypic plasticity instead of inherent changes in personality. Furthermore, our results showthat urban squirrels possess a unique stress response from that of their rural conspecifics andthus may contribute to shaping an urban phenotype. In summation, our findings provide crucialinsight into the potential mechanisms of adaptation that allow the eastern grey squirrel to thrivein an urban environment.
Project Researcher:
Ellen Esch, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships are widely observed in nature. These relationships are largely attributed to niche complementarity effects or selection effects of diverse plant species. If plant species have differential preferences in time or space for nutrient uptake, the complementarity hypothesis holds that resources will be used more efficiently and completely, thereby allowing for greater ecosystem-level functionality. In contrast, the selection effect purports that capturing the direct contributions from inherently high functioning species become increasingly probable as the richness of a species assemblage increases. Despite the widespread acceptance that biodiversity promotes ecosystem function, the most abundant ecosystem on the planet – agricultural landscapes – largely overlook biodiversity as a potential mechanism through which ecosystem function could be enhanced. Here, we propose a test of diversity-function relationships to ask if increasing species richness provides an opportunity to maintain target productivity levels while best conserving, and in exceptional instances restoring, total ecosystem functionality within an agricultural context.
Project Researcher:
Mallory Moscovitch, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Götz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The rapid growth of new media in recent years has greatly influenced how data is collected by citizen scientists. It is clear that new media are expanding into a wide range of data collection practices, yet the ways in which the underlying designs of new media impact citizen scientists and the data they collect are not clear. I seek to orient new media users along with the media they exploit as central to my analysis. By studying a group of citizen scientist birders as they interact with new media in the data collection process, I seek to gain deeper insights into the communicative nature of new media and the designs that underpin them. In turn, I hope to shed light on future digital designs and new media used at rare and the wider citizen science community.
Project Researcher:
Erik Etzler, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Darryl Gwynne
University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sexual ornaments often result in increased risk of being caught by predators. Increased mortality can lead to evolution of those traits to optimize survival and sexual reproduction. Previous work has tended to focus on the effects of a single predator, so my project aims to look at how multiple predators interact to affect the evolution of sexual ornaments in a prey species. The prey species is O. nigricornis, a species of tree cricket, and the predators are I. mexicana, a predatory wasp, and S. neglecta, and parasitoid fly. These species were chosen as both predators leave their prey relatively intact, allowing for direct comparisons between crickets that are being targeted and survivors.
Project Researcher:
Linden Fairbairn, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Philippe Van Cappellen and Fereidoun Rezanezhad
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Pollution of ground- and surface waters with nutrients from agricultural sources leads to eutrophication of water bodies and is a major stressor on Canada’s water resources. Eutrophication can harm aquatic ecosystem communities by causing excessive algae growth and hypoxic zones, which has implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Consequently, controlling the movement of nutrients from soil to water has become a major goal of conservation practices. To plan for effective nutrient management in the future, we need to develop a better understanding of the processes that control nutrient losses from soil, especially under future climate change as rainfall events become more intense. In this project, I will investigate nutrient mobility in agricultural soils at rare. Specifically, I will be looking at how dynamic hydrologic conditions in soil affect nutrient mobility and the microbial communities that influence nutrient processing, and how intensifying rainfall will impact these. The outcomes of this project will lead to more effective nutrient management strategies to protect aquatic ecosystems from the ramifications of nutrient pollution.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
We are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rareCharitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Supervisor: Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Leanne Grieves, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Beth MacDougall-Shackleton
Western University, Department of Biology
Blood-borne parasites are found on nearly every continent and infect approximately 70% of bird species worldwide. Given their ability to infect multiple species and the anticipated range expansions of parasites associated with climate change, understanding host-parasite interactions is increasingly important. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a diverse gene family that plays a crucial role in the immune response to pathogens. MHC genotypes may affect the ability of populations to persevere under changing parasite pressures. I will study three song sparrow populations in Ontario, including sparrows at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Using next-generation sequencing, microscopy, and song analysis software, I will explore whether 1) MHC genotypes are correlated with parasites, 2) different breeding populations show differences in parasite load (intensity of infection) and diversity (number of lineages), 3) parasite communities differ throughout the breeding season, and 4) increased parasite load decreases song performance. Understanding population differences in how birds cope with parasitic infections and the correlations between infection and fitness may inform future management decisions in songbirds.
Project Researcher:
Alana Wilcox, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Ryan Norris and Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
During the spring and early summer, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) lay eggs on milkweed (Asclepias spp.), which, by the third generation of monarchs in late fall, results in individuals having a unique migratory physiology (i.e., long, thing wings]). These monarch butterflies then undergo a nearly 4000 km migration from Southern Canada to the Oyamel fir forests in Mexico where they will overwinter for 9 months before beginning a multigenerational migration northward. Unfortunately, this migratory phenomenon is at risk due to various threats including exposure to agricultural chemicals. Neonicotinoid pesticides are known to affect the mobility, reproductive output and survival of insects, with studies focusing on honeybees and bumblebees. Unfortunately, little is known about the effects on monarch butterflies. This project aims to assess the effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin on monarch reproductive output, development, and migration capacity. Monarchs will be reared on milkweed grown in soil treated with the pesticide, during which we will monitor development. Once adults, monarchs will be mated to assess reproductive output (e.g., the number of eggs produced). Monarchs reared in fall will be tested using a flight simulator to gauge whether they naturally orient SW, as expected during migration.
Project Researcher:
Andrew Judge
Project Supervisor:
Conestoga College, Indigenous Studies
Indigenous land practices involve the following seven steps for the development of a sustainable landscape: Step 1: Observation, planning, and community engagement; Step 2: Clearing the land, seed saving and initiating a design; Step 3: Planting, irrigating and fertilizing; Step 4: Maintenance; Step 5: Harvesting; Step 6: Preparing, preserving, and storing harvest and seed; and, Step 7: Sharing and trading. This project proposes to build an Indigenous Garden at rare that implements the above seven steps using traditional Indigenous foods and medicines for the purpose of determining the viability in these steps to collect and maintain seed for future generations. This space will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where local community members can learn practical Indigenous land wisdom. The vision of this proposed garden is to promote Indigenous presence, Indigenous Knowledge exchange, community engagement, and cross-cultural relationship building at rare. By engaging community members in education surrounding Indigenous land-based practices new understanding of Indigenous people can be fostered.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as a monitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Justin Gaudon, Mitacs Elevate – Westfall Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Climate change, land development, invasive species, and other disturbances can destroy the composition, structure, and functions of vegetation across landscapes. These disturbances will impact insect parasitoids, which are a key, and often overlooked, component of the overall biodiversity in forest ecosystems and integral in maintaining diversity among other species through their role in fostering resilient forests. Understanding and monitoring vegetation structure and composition and how it relates to parasitoid populations will help to quickly detect, measure, and forecast negative changes to forest ecosystems. This research will explore the link between plant and parasitoid populations across forests of different successional stages and disturbance regimes to provide (1) a strong basis on which to create and improve ecological restoration and rehabilitation programs and (2) data on the relationship between vegetation and parasitoids to identify and detect the effects of future disturbances and cascade effects on animal species as part of regular, long-term management of forests. This is especially relevant in Ontario as invasive species, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), continue to spread rapidly throughout the province having detrimental impacts on the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve, the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Rohit Verma, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environment
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) trees are currently dying off at rates higher than previously recorded as a result of the rapid spreading of beech bark disease (BBD) in North America. Beech trees are a principal tree species in Ontario’s hardwood forests and are a significant source of nutrition for wildlife. Currently, identifying BBD and severity is performed with on the ground visual inspection of individual beech trees. However, this technique would not be the most efficient if a large area needs to be sampled. Alternatively, recent studies have shown that it is possible to identify certain diseased plants and trees using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal imaging technology because tree leaves, stem and root diseases can cause water stress, reduce transpiration rates and increase canopy temperature. However, whether beech trees infected with BBD are identifiable using thermal imaging is unknown. Consequently, this project will investigate whether capturing thermal imagery of American beech trees, via UAVs, can discern healthy individuals from diseased individuals. If successful, UAVs equipped with high resolution cameras can be a more efficient method at identifying and mapping the extent and severity of BBD than on the ground surveys.
Project Researcher:
Kathleen Church Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christina Semeniuk
University of Windsor, Department of Integrative Biology, Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research (GLIER)
Monitoring behavioural changes in animals can tell us how pollutants, like microplastics (plastic particles < 5 mm), are likely to affect populations. High numbers of microplastics are currently present in freshwater habitats, and these habitats are becoming more susceptible to microplastic pollution over time, especially in cities. Freshwater fishes, including salmonids, are known to mistake microplastic particles for food, and eat them. Laboratory studies show that behavioural changes often result from microplastics ingestion, including altered swimming and foraging behaviour, but it is currently unknown how these behavioural changes scale up to affect population size. This project aims to fill this knowledge gap by using Agent-Based Models (ABMs) to assess how behavioural changes that occur following microplastics ingestion will affect the population viability of stream-dwelling salmonids. This study identifies targets for microplastics pollution likely to prevent declines in salmonid populations, in combination with educational material for rare that aligns with the Canadian government’s intention to ban single use-plastics by the end of 2021, a first step toward zero plastic waste in Canada by 2030.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
BugNet is a global network of scientists that aims to better understand the impacts of invertebrate herbivores and fungal pathogens on different aspects of plant communities. While a few studies have shown big impacts of invertebrates and fungal pathogens, we know little about how generally important they are, and how their functional composition varies across a range of different ecosystems. A powerful tool to quantify the variation in plant consumer communities and their impact are globally coordinated experiments, using standardized measurements and replicated experiments across ecological gradients. The “Bug-Network” will be such a project and aims to explore the context dependency of biotic interactions within a coordinated research network comprised of many grassland- and shrubland sites worldwide.
Project Researcher:
Haolun (Allen) Tian, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed
Queen’s University, Department of Biology
Monitoring biodiversity is a key part of developing climate resiliency in aquatic ecosystem conservation. However, sampling resources are often insufficient to assess the numerous low population density waterbodies present in Ontario. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful emerging tool for non-invasive and economical environmental surveying. As organisms move through their environment, they shed genetic material that we can sample to identify what species are present in a waterbody. With eDNA, we can monitor the status of native plant, fish, and invertebrate populations, locate algal blooms, and detect invasive species. Our project aims to develop an easy-to-use community science oriented eDNA sampling kit and protocol, and field test it in Grand River at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. After developing our kit, we will conduct eDNA sampling with it as well as our lab sampling protocol for comparison. We will compare eDNA yield with the two types of sampling and use DNA metabarcoding to examine what species are present in the river at the rare reserve. By comparing our community science sampling protocol with traditional eDNA sampling techniques and existing lists of species known to be present, we will validate our kit for wider production and use.
Project Researcher:
Julia Aplin, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Leesa Fawcett
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies and Urban Change
I am an interdisciplinary artist with a background in dance and a great love of trees. I am researching how deep listening and artistic practices can help us to better understand and relate to our natural world. I am curious about the sentience of all living things and enhancing our sense of kinship. We are all related, and everything is connected. What would trees tell us if we listen? I see artistic creation as a way to heal our relationship with the earth and through my creativity, I am investigating my place on this Indigenous land, while simultaneously investigating my own Celtic cultural heritage. I will be sharing my arts based research through multi-media projects, writing and community gatherings.
Project Researcher:
Amy Pitura, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Much of southern Ontario has experienced three to four centuries of extensive European and contemporary land use, and millennia of Indigenous land use. Human land use in a stream’s watershed can cause a variety of disturbances to the stream that can, in turn, impact fish populations. Fish populations can respond to disturbance in many ways, including population size changes, splits, and between-population migration. These population-level responses are often reflected in the genetics of future generations. Using modern bioinformatics technologies, we can take advantage of this and use the genetics of modern fish to infer historical population-level responses. My work aims to characterize responses that were caused by human activities within the last 1000 years.
Project Researcher:
Amanda Meuser, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Humans have had a profound impact on the environment in Southern Ontario, through means including agriculture and urbanization. These types of disturbances can disrupt ecosystems and bring previously distant species into close contact, which can allow for hybridization between these species. In my thesis project, I will assess how outcomes of hybridization vary between minnow species, and how the type of disturbance affects the frequency and type of hybrid individuals. Species of interest include creek chub minnows and their hybrid offspring with a number of other related Cyprinidae fish species. While creek chub and related minnow species are not endangered, this research is an opportunity to learn how human disturbance shapes evolution of species native to this area and will hopefully support conservation efforts of endangered taxa in this region and similarly disturbed areas.
Project Researcher:
Alice Xu, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Goetz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The purpose of this study is to learn about what smartphone applications like iNaturalist and eBird enable everyday users and scientists to do, and how it contributes to practical work done by scientists. The anticipated benefits of this study are to make visible the tangible benefits of everyday users to scientists’ work, and precisely what those benefits are. The basic procedures will include a self-study of how a novice user comes to learn to use the application and how expert users (i.e., scientists) use the application. These procedures will help to uncover how the mobile application helps to mediate between these two kinds of users. Interviews and audio/video recordings will be used to learn about how scientists and conservationists have integrated the mobile application(s) and the app’s user-generated data into their day-to-day work.
Project Researcher:
Kerry Schutten PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
This pilot project is part of a broader initiative by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative to investigate the impact of plastic pollution on Ontario wildlife, with a specific focus on birds. A major focus of the broader initiative is to use post-mortem examination of wildlife that are passively collected for surveillance to quantify plastic ingestion and investigate impacts of plastic on wildlife health. This turkey vulture project is intended to establish a baseline understanding of whether vultures are ingesting plastics in Ontario – this understanding will help us to develop future work that assesses health metrics in these species. Turkey vultures are scavenger bird species that regularly feed at landfills and other human-dominated landscapes, and therefore are potentially important sentinel species to study the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Project Researcher:
Natalie Houde, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke and Dr. Alex Smith
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Frogs are great, not only because they are well-loved by many, but also because they are important to nature. Frogs are an irreplaceable food source for many animals, and they keep insect populations under control by feeding on them. Unfortunately, frogs and their prey are facing alarming declines because of habitat loss. It is still poorly understood how this affects food webs in Canada. For these reasons, I am researching the diets of frogs across Southern Ontario by using poop! The frogs caught for my project will stay in comfortable cages overnight. The next morning, their cages will be checked for poop and all frogs will be released back to the wild. By collecting these poop samples and analyzing them with state-of-the-art molecular techniques, I can learn what the frogs ate without causing them any harm. Learning this information is valuable for Canada’s efforts towards amphibian conservation.
Project Researcher:
Project Supervisor:
Contact Us for Previous Research
For access to research conducted before 2018, please reach out to us directly and we would be happy to provide information on past projects.
Project Researcher:
Kristyn Richardson
Project Supervisor:
Bird Studies Canada
Barn swallows nest almost exclusively on human-made structures such as barns, sheds, bridges and culverts and are the most widely distributed of all swallows. As such, many people would be shocked to learn that the Ontario populations has declined by 66% since 1970. Despite how frequently humans overlap with these swallows (part of a group of birds collectively called aerial insectivores because of their habit of eating flying insects while flying high in the air) we know relatively little about them. While the causes of these declines are unknown, here in Ontario educations in the amount of available nesting habitat as well as human-caused disturbance are two potential reasons. The results of the artificial nesting structure project on the rare property, as well as the complimentary social cues research, will be used to determine what breeding habitat characteristics are most important for Barn Swallows in Ontario and inform Best Management Practices for the conservation of this species.
Project Researcher:
Philippe Van Cappellen
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Traditionally, management of water resources has focused on surface water bodies (streams, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, etc.) or on groundwater as if they were separate entities. As the use of land and water resources intensifies, the hydraulic connection between surface water and groundwater has become recognized as a crucial element in water management. This research will monitor the spatial distributions of nutrient elements (C, N, P, Si, K and S) and key biogeochemical redox indicators (in particular, iron) in the riparian and hyphoreic zones of a small, groundwater-fed stream on the rare Charitable Research Reserve over the course of one year. The spatio-temporal patterns will be used to unravel the key biogeochemical transformations affecting nutrient speciation and fluxes within the riparian and hyporheic filter zones, and establish their response to seasonal variations in stream hydrology, soil temperature and biological activity.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Tallgrass prairie formerly occupied 80,000 to 100,000 hectares in southwestern Ontario but less than 5% of that remains. Andrew plans to convert an agricultural field on rare property (most recently used to grow soybeans) into a native tallgrass prairie. There are several main goals of this research. The first is to determine the factors that ensure success in prairie restoration especially the ability of tallgrass prairies to resist invasion from non-target species; particularly exotic agronomic grasses. The second objective is to determine the factors that influence the pattern of distribution of plant species in a tallgrass prairie; i.e. are these factors environmental or non-environmental? The third objective is to restore a tallgrass prairie research site that will eventually look like a tallgrass prairie rather than a checkerboard pattern of research plots that will require constant maintenance. This sampling design will help address the research questions but will also restore the function of this ecosystem for creatures such as birds, insects and small mammals. The research project consists of a five-year building phase followed by a longer-term monitoring and manipulation phase.
Project Researcher:
Paul Kron, Research Associate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Closely related species can sometimes reproduce to produce hybrid organisms. Two such species are the domestic apple and the wild crabapple. Paul is studying the complex genetic interactions between these two species. This involves several components. What is the genetic variability within the wild crabapple? What is the fate of hybrids in the natural environment; i.e. do they survive and reproduce? Over 25 saplings from each of five genetically different apple strains were grown from seeds collected on rare property (three crabapple variants plus two hybrids with the domestic apple) and planted in the alvar complex. The fate of these individuals is being monitored over a ten-year period. The genetic variation of pollen and seed from mature trees of both species will also be determined. This will provide insight into the nature of the reproductive pathways that occur among these two species that lead to the production of fruits and seed. This research will provide important information on the potential impacts of introducing genetically-modified organisms (organisms intentionally modified by humans) into the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
eremy deWaard
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG)
Despite their importance, arthropods only represent a minor component in most biodiversity assessments because of the difficulty in their identification to a species level through morphological study. Our project will overcome this barrier by coupling high-throughput sequencing platforms with the capacity of DNA barcoding to discriminate species. This approach will allow us to document patterns of species distribution and diversity at scales and in settings where this was previously impossible. Arthropods will be collected using Malaise traps across over 50 sites in southern Ontario and Quebec, including the rare Charitable Research Reserve . This project will contribute to the international Terrestrial Arthropod Monitoring Program which aims to detail arthropod diversity across ecoregions in ten nations. Particularly, this project will provide data for the Mixedwood Plains ecoregion in Canada. This study is also an extension of previous surveys using the same collecting method and sampling sites in order to assess long-term trends in arthropod biodiversity.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals ( Cardinalis cardinalis ) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus , are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Principal Investigator
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
In an uncertain future climate, both the quantity and quality of water supplied by headwater wetland source areas in cold regions are expected to change significantly. However, our knowledge of how climate change will impact the biogeochemical functioning and hydrochemistry of these source areas remains limited. We propose to elucidate the role of winter soil processes on the export of carbon (C) and nutrients (N, P, S, Fe) to the river network under changing climate conditions. The project builds on the hypothesis that spring pulses of dissolved organic and inorganic C and nutrients by these headwaters reflect the cumulative effects of microbial and geochemical processing of redox sensitive elements during the non-growing season. The project will advance the predictive understanding of C and nutrient cycling in soils of headwater source areas under seasonal snow and ice cover. The project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in C and nutrient stocks, speciation and fluxes driven by variations in snow cover and freeze-thaw cycles. Overall, the proposed project will enhance our ability to evaluate the impact of different potential climatic scenarios on C and nutrient export and speciation along the aquatic continuum.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Jessica Linton
Project Supervisor:
Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
In 2015 NRSI began a multi-year collaborative project to address key actions and knowledge gaps identified in the Draft Recovery Strategy for Mottled Duskywing. This proposal builds on previous projects by focusing on achieving the government-supported recovery goals for the species. The current project involves inventory work, research, and collaborative activities which support multi-species SAR butterfly recovery.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis , the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
e are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also
be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rare Charitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Peter Kevan
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences & the Arthur Dobbs Institute
The internal temperatures within flowers and stem of herbaceous plants are not well studied. Most of the information on temperatures within flowers and their ecological significance has been gathered in cool, Arctic and alpine environments. Temperature regimes in the hollow stems of herbaceous plants seems to never to have been studied, yet probably 2/3 of temperate zone herbaceous plants have hollow stems. Our project is to survey the incidence of hollow stems in Canadian plants and to assess how elevated temperatures that build up in them is achieved (microgreenhouse effects) and to measure the temperatures within flowers that can act as parabolic/spheric dishes, as simple discs, and as microgreenhouses as in air enclosing blossoms. The measurements obtained will be related to growth and maturation rates, reproductive ecology of the plants, their phenologies, and habitats.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as amonitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Heather Townsend, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
My research project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in phosphorous stocks, speciation, and fluxes driven by variations in snow-cover and freeze-thaw cycles as they relate to phosphorous export from agricultural soils to water resources. In my MSc research project, I am conducting a series of novel laboratory-controlled experiments that will specifically investigate the role of the seasonal freeze-thaw events on the fate, transport, and cycling of phosphorous in agricultural soils during the winter transition (fall-winter and winter-spring) and non-growing season. The experimental results will be integrated into a reactive transport model to quantitatively assess the effects of winter conditions on below-ground phosphorous speciation, transformation rates and bioavailability. This research
has implications for soil fertility, groundwater and surface water quality, and our understanding of seasonal variability in phosphorous losses from agricultural soils. The model results will predict how the export of water, phosphorous, and other nutrients in cold regions may respond to projected winter warming and advise best management practices regarding Canadian’s agricultural future in a changing climate. The data and insights gained through the proposed experimental and modeling activities will yield a better conceptual understanding of soil phosphorous cycling and strengthen its representation in coupled biogeochemical-hydrological models.
Project Researcher:
Alannah Grant, MsC Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The urban environment is currently the fastest growing habitat type on the planet. This rapid expansion of the urban landscape poses new stressors and challenges to which wildlife in these environments must respond and adapt. My study examines the affects of the urban environment on eastern grey squirrel stress and brain development in mother squirrels and their pups. To do this I will be comparing the physiology of squirrels found in urban locations to squirrels in non-urban locations, like rare , that provide a non-disturbed, organic habitat in the midst of urbanization.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve , the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew Trant
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In an era of climate change, understanding changes to forest composition and productivity requires detailed knowledge of factors influencing growth, regeneration and establishment. However, this is complicated by the long-term history of people interacting with the environment. Failing to consider these forests as coupled human-environment systems may impair our ability to understand how they will respond to changes in site and growing conditions. The long-term focus of my lab’s research is to measure past and present patterns of ecosystem services across culturally rich, economically important, and biodiverse landscapes. Through quantitative assessment of past, present and future forests, this research will provide important insight for guiding management and conservation decisions. To accomplish this, I will establish long-term field sites on rare properties. Using a variety of ethnobotanical, dendroecological, and experimental approaches at multiple spatial scales, my research will provide important information on the future of these landscapes.
Project Researcher:
Kyle Schang, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew Trant
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In this project, we want to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the northern range limit of Carolinian tree species in Ontario. At rare, we want to see how shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), a Carolinian species, competes against sugar maples (Acer saccharum), a dominant species of the region under current and future climate scenarios.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Associate Professor & Dr. Marcel O’Gorman
Project Supervisor:
Professor and Research Chair
University of Waterloo, Critical Media Lab (CML), Department of English
Hirondelusia is a barn swallow habitat modified from designs approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to mitigate habitat loss. Using a critical design approach, it explores what happens when humans and non-humans encounter structures approved for species at risk. Through a collaborative, combined academic and creative approach, Hirondelusia seeks HOW and WHY specific species at risk recovery strategies are designed and built, and WHAT seeing structures like this tell humans about threatened species like the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirondelusia was part of CAFKA 2021 and is now located beside the rare ECO Centre.
Project Researcher:
Erika Myler, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Robert Hanner
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an innovative technique that involves analyzing the DNA in an environmental sample to identify which species are present, without capturing or sighting an animal. Using this approach, we will collect and analyze water samples from the Eramosa and Grand Rivers to characterize local fish communities, including species at risk and invasive alien species.
Project Researcher:
Lauren Witterick, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Liana Zanette
University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
My work looks at the enduring effects of fear on the brain and behaviour in wildlife. I use audio playbacks of local predator or non-predator species to manipulate the levels of predation risk in white-footed mice in their natural habitat. I will monitor how the fear of predators impacts foraging behaviour, particularly how much food animals leave behind when they are scared. I will also look at the enduring effects on the brain through changes in activation, neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons), and neuron structure in regions associated with fear processing. My work on the brain is adapted from laboratory models for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where predators or their cues are often used to induce PTSD-like symptoms to study the causes and treatments of PTSD. Finding similar enduring effects in the brains of free-living wildlife will address gaps in the ecology and conservation literature by linking the behavioural and demographic consequences of fear with effects on the brain and will expand on biomedical models for PTSD by addressing the effects of fear on the brain outside of a captive laboratory environment.
Project Researcher:
Carolyn Morris, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christopher M. Wood
University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a naturally occurring complex compound and is the product of the breakdown of organic matter in soil and water. It is often the most abundant dissolved component in freshwaters (Thurman, 1985). Its importance is widely recognized in aquatic toxicology, and recently in national environmental regulations in the United States and the European Union (EU), as the most important protective agent against metal toxicity (e.g. aluminum, copper, lead, zinc) because of its ability to bind up metals and reduce their bioavailability. However, it has been largely ignored by physiologists as a major water quality parameter. Recent studies have suggested that it may exert direct protective effects on ionoregulation (blood salt regulation) in freshwater fish, and this may be, in part the same explanation responsible for the protective effects noted against the negative actions of metals and low pH in fish. However, virtually nothing is known about the physiological mechanisms of this protection. This is the subject of my doctoral research.
Project Researcher:
Michelle Bomberry, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Debra Harwood
Brock University, Department of Education
The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to explore Haudenosaunee earth-based (more commonly known as land-based pedagogies), as a culturally relevant learning model for Indigenous students. Using the Tree of Peace methodology symbolic to Haudenosaunee epitemology, the research will draw on conversational circles with their parents, earth-based educators, children, and knowledge holders.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Amanda Liczner, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
While foraging in agricultural landscapes, bumble bees can be exposed to different environmental stressors including pesticides which can negatively effect their flight behaviour and memory. We will test the impact of two pesticide classes on bumble bee queen flight behaviour using radio-tracking technology. Radio-tracking will also be used to learn more about bumble bee hibernation habitat.
Project Researcher:
Dr Elizabeth Clare
Project Supervisor:
York University, Department of Biology
My research group has a history of developing new technologies which use environmental DNA. We have collected this material from water, faeces, the gut track of terrestrial leeches and from dung beetles as a method to track interactions between species and terrestrial biodiversity. Most recently we invented a method to filter eDNA from air samples. We have demonstrated the utility in laboratory settings and in a survey of a zoological park where we were able to detect mammals and birds from the eDNA carried in the air. Our method is almost silent and thus very non-invasive to wildlife. This technique has the strong probability to transform terrestrial biomonitoring just as it has in aquatic ecology and management. In the proposed work we want to measure how eDNA accumulates and dissipates in a natural setting. We propose to collect samples: 1) before birds return, when we expect there may be no eDNA (negative control) at the location 2) when they are present, and there should be detectable eDNA in the air (positive control) and 3) after they depart at frequent intervals to try and assess how long the eDNA persists in the environment.
Project Researcher:
Sarah MacKell, Lead Biologist
Project Supervisor:
Wildlife Preservation Canada, Native Pollinator Initiative
In 2022, WPC’s research team will continue conducting expert pollinator surveys in spring (April, May, and June) to locate rare and declining bumble bees throughout Ontario, including southern Ontario. WPC will survey sites in the historical range of the endangered rusty-patched bumble bee (B. affinis) and the gypsy cuckoo bumble bee (B. bohemicus) in an attempt to (re-) discover extant populations of this and other rare or declining species (e.g., B. pensylvanicus, and B. terricola), and to gain more information on the composition and status of all bumble bee species in the province. Bumble bee worker surveys may also be conducted throughout the spring, summer, and fall as time and researcher availability permits. During spring surveys field crews will collect yellow-banded bumble bee (B. terricola) and brown-belted bumble bee (B. griseocollis) queens for use in WPC’s conservation breeding program. Fecal sampling will also be conducted in order to assess community health, and the health of the queens brought into the conservation breeding program.
Project Researcher:
Michael McTavish, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sandy Smith
University of Toronto, Institute of Forestry and Conservation
Introduced Phragmites is a highly competitive non-native grass that has a variety of undesirable impacts on native biodiversity and ecological processes. Biological control (i.e., the release of highly specific natural enemies) is a promising tool to supplement existing management approaches such as herbicides and mowing. Biological control is now being implemented at a pilot scale in southern Ontario using two stem-boring moth species that kill or stunt the growth of Phragmites. In this project, the two moths will be released as eggs and larvae into patches of Phragmites and monitored for several years. This project will provide information about the impacts of biological control agents on introduced Phragmites, how other vegetation recovers following control, how the moths spread to nearby weed patches, and how the two biological control agents interact with each other when released in the same location. This research will help develop biological control as a safe, effective, and affordable option to help manage one of Canada’s worst invasive plants.
Project Researcher:
Megan Schmidt, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Maria Strack
University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
This project aims to understand how carbon is cycled and stored in swamps across Southern Ontario and how environmental factors such as location, water table, and vegetation type impact it. We will look at how much carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are exchanged between the atmosphere and the soil and trees, how much carbon is stored in the soil, trees, and plants, and how much is retained or lost through leaf drop and vegetation die back and decomposition. We will create a carbon balance for the entire ecosystem and better understand the impact swamps may have on climate through greenhouse gas emissions or storage.
Project Researcher:
Sarah Marshall, MES Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Jeremy Pittman
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will consider different tools to analyze the connectivity of the landscape of Waterloo Region, to assist the rare Charitable Research Reserve in its goal to protect more conservation lands in the coming years. I will evaluate the use of different tools in their usefulness to the raresites land securement team. Once I have collected this information, my thesis will provide detailed recommendations to the raresites land securement committee as they work on revisions for their Land Securement Strategy, due for an update in 2023. I also intend to create a user-friendly landscape connectivity analysis tool which is best suited for use by the rare Planning Ecologist and Land Securement Team.
Project Researcher:
Kassandra Pineda, MSc Candidate & Morgan Basile, BSc Student
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Webb
University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
Our research seeks to identify evidence of land-use change using plant residues preserved in soils. Plant residues deposited in the soil are eventually transformed into soil organic matter that is rich in carbon and remains in the soil for thousands of years. Biochar formed from burning of tall-grass prairies is also a form of resistant carbon stored in the soils. We will use two innovative geochemical techniques to understand carbon preservation in soils at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Stable carbon isotopes of soil organic matter (SOM)preserved in soil aggregates will be used to measure how quickly fresh carbon is incorporated into the SOM reservoir after a change in land-use (e.g., restoration of agricultural land to grassland). We are also developing a new technique using the oxygen-isotope values of charcoal as an indicator of burn temperature of past fires. The charcoal in the Blair Flats prairie restoration will be analyzed to assess the char’s contribution to carbon storage in grassland soil.
Project Researcher:
Lisa Hirmer
Project Supervisor:
Made from lime, olivine, straw, graphite and charcoal, The Atmosphere is Always Still Being Made is a carbon capturing sculpture that continuously absorbs atmosphere carbon dioxide. This means that as your breath joins the air between you and the sculpture, some of the carbon in your exhalation is likely to become part of the sculpture. Over time the sculpture will harden due to this carbon absorption, eventually becoming limestone. This means that breath becomes air, which becomes sculpture, which becomes geology—a reminder that we live in exchange with the atmospheric and geologic conditions of this planet. The work is meant to offer a space of contemplation for contemplation around climate change, acknowledging both the massive scale of the climate emergency and the possibility that things could be different.
Project Researcher:
Xinda Lu, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Josh Neufeld
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology,
Nitrogen is a key element controlling terrestrial productivity. Nitrification, mediated by microorganisms, converts reduced (ammonia) to oxidized (nitrite and nitrate) forms of nitrogen. Nitrification has profound influences on the environment, for example, by contributing greenhouse gasses (nitrous oxide) and leaching fertilizer nitrogen (nitrate). Although nitrification has been studied for over a century, it is only recently that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were discovered in addition to their counterparts, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), which were formerly regarded as the sole contributors to nitrification. Since their discovery, questions regarding the ecology, physiology, and metabolism of AOA are still not well answered. This project will combine molecular methods, microcosm incubations, and bioinformatics to study the biogeography and activity of soil AOA in an effort to better understand AOA distributions and function. As main part of this project, soil samples will be collected at rare Charitable Research Reserve, and microcosm incubation will be set up under different conditions (temperature and substrate form). Short-term and long-term soil incubation aim at elucidating the influence of temperature and different forms of nitrogen (organic/inorganic) on AOA activity, adding more evidence to the niche seperation of soil AOA.
Project Researcher:
Meghan Grgruic, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. François Tardif
University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture
As a human facilitated introduced species, giant hogweed poses a threat to habitat diversity and ecosystem health. As an invasive species, giant hogweed is thought to reduce diversity among native plant communities where its colonies have established. This is especially true when monocultures become established within populations due to the high quantity of seeds produced per plant. Its large leaf area has the potential to shade smaller plants, as well as increase riverbank erosion when the senescence of vegetation creates bare ground in the fall and winter. This erosion can have a number of consequences, including the threat to fish and other organisms, from both changes to their habitat and possible addition of chemical substrates. With these negative influences giant hogweed has on communities it’s invaded, safe and effective management is important. Giant hogweed’s proximity to water makes control without chemicals necessary but challenging due to its persistence and regenerative abilities. This research will investigate different manual control treatments and how they affect the ability hogweed has to produce viable seed through regeneration.
Project Researcher:
Mason Stothart, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
One of the primary mechanisms hypothesized to facilitate the invasion of nascent niches created by urbanization is synanthropic modification of a species’ stress response. In vertebrates, stress physiology plays an important role in regulating everything from homeostasis and immunity, to ‘fight or flight’ behavioural responses. The closer human-association implicit in synurban adaptive modification of an organism’s stress response, would not only increase incidences of human-wildlife conflict, but also zoonotic disease risk. Further exacerbating this risk is the connection between stress and immune physiology, since changes in the former could compromise the latter, thereby increasing pathogen prevalence on the urban environment. While the importance of understanding these processes is emphasized in the literature, little is known about synurban stress physiology, and even less about its interaction with disease transmission. Using a combination of field, lab, and citizen science techniques, I propose to characterize longitudinal synanthropic patterns in stress/immune physiology, and disease ecology in urban and exurban populations of eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).
Project Researcher:
Jeremy Pittman
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will engage gardeners using rare’s community gardening plots to document and quantify the garden’s impact to local food security, environmental awareness, and ecosystem services. Community gardens can play an important role in (1) providing access to locally produced foods, (2) ensuring a cost-effective source of healthy produce, and (3) contributing to the health and wellbeing of urban residents. The specific role of rare’s community gardens in providing these benefits will be determined by surveying community gardeners. The survey will provide quantitative and in-depth information on the impact of the gardens, which will help communicate their benefits to the public.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus, are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Heather Cray, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Since only 1-3% of tallgrass prairie habitat remains in North America, dedicated citizens, scientists, and government officials are working to restore prairie in southern Ontario. Most of these restorations are done by either hand-broadcasting or drilling-in seeds on ex-agricultural land. While there is increasing evidence that invasive earthworms are important ecosystem engineers, surprisingly little is known about their effect on invaded habitat. Despite knowing that exotic earthworms are spreading across Ontario and that they both eat and bury seeds, key information about the presence, community structure, and population density of these seed predators is lacking. This project will address this knowledge gap at rare by assessing the earthworm population in the restored tallgrass prairie at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. The results of this work will inform future prairie restoration by adding another piece to the complex food web of establishing habitats and will deepen our understanding of factors related to earthworm invasion.
Project Researcher:
Winnie (Hui Ling) Yang, M.Sc Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Urbanization is a threat to many natural ecosystems across the globe. Human invasion into thenatural landscape yields an entirely novel ecosystem for local wildlife populations, beyondanything they have ever experienced. This study aims to identify potential mechanisms that driveurban adaptation by characterizing changes in behavioural temperaments and stress physiology,specifically in the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). We trapped and sampled squirrelsfrom the University of Guelph and the rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, whichrepresents our urban and rural sites, respectively. Open field (OF) trials were conducted onsquirrels to quantify exploratory behaviour, while stress physiology was evaluated throughdexamethasone-ACTH hormone challenges and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs).Squirrels were initially assessed in May and June, followed by a second assessment in July andAugust 2019. Interestingly, preliminary results show that rural squirrels were bolder in the OFarena compared to urban squirrels, but do not differ in other behavioural traits. Additionally,FGMs were consistently higher in urban squirrels whereas the reactivity of the stress axis is morecomplex as it is influenced by site, sex and capture number. These results suggest thattemperament differences observed between urban and rural squirrels may be the result ofphenotypic plasticity instead of inherent changes in personality. Furthermore, our results showthat urban squirrels possess a unique stress response from that of their rural conspecifics andthus may contribute to shaping an urban phenotype. In summation, our findings provide crucialinsight into the potential mechanisms of adaptation that allow the eastern grey squirrel to thrivein an urban environment.
Project Researcher:
Ellen Esch, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships are widely observed in nature. These relationships are largely attributed to niche complementarity effects or selection effects of diverse plant species. If plant species have differential preferences in time or space for nutrient uptake, the complementarity hypothesis holds that resources will be used more efficiently and completely, thereby allowing for greater ecosystem-level functionality. In contrast, the selection effect purports that capturing the direct contributions from inherently high functioning species become increasingly probable as the richness of a species assemblage increases. Despite the widespread acceptance that biodiversity promotes ecosystem function, the most abundant ecosystem on the planet – agricultural landscapes – largely overlook biodiversity as a potential mechanism through which ecosystem function could be enhanced. Here, we propose a test of diversity-function relationships to ask if increasing species richness provides an opportunity to maintain target productivity levels while best conserving, and in exceptional instances restoring, total ecosystem functionality within an agricultural context.
Project Researcher:
Mallory Moscovitch, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Götz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The rapid growth of new media in recent years has greatly influenced how data is collected by citizen scientists. It is clear that new media are expanding into a wide range of data collection practices, yet the ways in which the underlying designs of new media impact citizen scientists and the data they collect are not clear. I seek to orient new media users along with the media they exploit as central to my analysis. By studying a group of citizen scientist birders as they interact with new media in the data collection process, I seek to gain deeper insights into the communicative nature of new media and the designs that underpin them. In turn, I hope to shed light on future digital designs and new media used at rare and the wider citizen science community.
Project Researcher:
Erik Etzler, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Darryl Gwynne
University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sexual ornaments often result in increased risk of being caught by predators. Increased mortality can lead to evolution of those traits to optimize survival and sexual reproduction. Previous work has tended to focus on the effects of a single predator, so my project aims to look at how multiple predators interact to affect the evolution of sexual ornaments in a prey species. The prey species is O. nigricornis, a species of tree cricket, and the predators are I. mexicana, a predatory wasp, and S. neglecta, and parasitoid fly. These species were chosen as both predators leave their prey relatively intact, allowing for direct comparisons between crickets that are being targeted and survivors.
Project Researcher:
Linden Fairbairn, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Philippe Van Cappellen and Fereidoun Rezanezhad
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Pollution of ground- and surface waters with nutrients from agricultural sources leads to eutrophication of water bodies and is a major stressor on Canada’s water resources. Eutrophication can harm aquatic ecosystem communities by causing excessive algae growth and hypoxic zones, which has implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Consequently, controlling the movement of nutrients from soil to water has become a major goal of conservation practices. To plan for effective nutrient management in the future, we need to develop a better understanding of the processes that control nutrient losses from soil, especially under future climate change as rainfall events become more intense. In this project, I will investigate nutrient mobility in agricultural soils at rare. Specifically, I will be looking at how dynamic hydrologic conditions in soil affect nutrient mobility and the microbial communities that influence nutrient processing, and how intensifying rainfall will impact these. The outcomes of this project will lead to more effective nutrient management strategies to protect aquatic ecosystems from the ramifications of nutrient pollution.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
We are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rareCharitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Supervisor: Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Leanne Grieves, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Beth MacDougall-Shackleton
Western University, Department of Biology
Blood-borne parasites are found on nearly every continent and infect approximately 70% of bird species worldwide. Given their ability to infect multiple species and the anticipated range expansions of parasites associated with climate change, understanding host-parasite interactions is increasingly important. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a diverse gene family that plays a crucial role in the immune response to pathogens. MHC genotypes may affect the ability of populations to persevere under changing parasite pressures. I will study three song sparrow populations in Ontario, including sparrows at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Using next-generation sequencing, microscopy, and song analysis software, I will explore whether 1) MHC genotypes are correlated with parasites, 2) different breeding populations show differences in parasite load (intensity of infection) and diversity (number of lineages), 3) parasite communities differ throughout the breeding season, and 4) increased parasite load decreases song performance. Understanding population differences in how birds cope with parasitic infections and the correlations between infection and fitness may inform future management decisions in songbirds.
Project Researcher:
Alana Wilcox, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Ryan Norris and Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
During the spring and early summer, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) lay eggs on milkweed (Asclepias spp.), which, by the third generation of monarchs in late fall, results in individuals having a unique migratory physiology (i.e., long, thing wings]). These monarch butterflies then undergo a nearly 4000 km migration from Southern Canada to the Oyamel fir forests in Mexico where they will overwinter for 9 months before beginning a multigenerational migration northward. Unfortunately, this migratory phenomenon is at risk due to various threats including exposure to agricultural chemicals. Neonicotinoid pesticides are known to affect the mobility, reproductive output and survival of insects, with studies focusing on honeybees and bumblebees. Unfortunately, little is known about the effects on monarch butterflies. This project aims to assess the effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin on monarch reproductive output, development, and migration capacity. Monarchs will be reared on milkweed grown in soil treated with the pesticide, during which we will monitor development. Once adults, monarchs will be mated to assess reproductive output (e.g., the number of eggs produced). Monarchs reared in fall will be tested using a flight simulator to gauge whether they naturally orient SW, as expected during migration.
Project Researcher:
Andrew Judge
Project Supervisor:
Conestoga College, Indigenous Studies
Indigenous land practices involve the following seven steps for the development of a sustainable landscape: Step 1: Observation, planning, and community engagement; Step 2: Clearing the land, seed saving and initiating a design; Step 3: Planting, irrigating and fertilizing; Step 4: Maintenance; Step 5: Harvesting; Step 6: Preparing, preserving, and storing harvest and seed; and, Step 7: Sharing and trading. This project proposes to build an Indigenous Garden at rare that implements the above seven steps using traditional Indigenous foods and medicines for the purpose of determining the viability in these steps to collect and maintain seed for future generations. This space will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where local community members can learn practical Indigenous land wisdom. The vision of this proposed garden is to promote Indigenous presence, Indigenous Knowledge exchange, community engagement, and cross-cultural relationship building at rare. By engaging community members in education surrounding Indigenous land-based practices new understanding of Indigenous people can be fostered.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as a monitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Justin Gaudon, Mitacs Elevate – Westfall Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Climate change, land development, invasive species, and other disturbances can destroy the composition, structure, and functions of vegetation across landscapes. These disturbances will impact insect parasitoids, which are a key, and often overlooked, component of the overall biodiversity in forest ecosystems and integral in maintaining diversity among other species through their role in fostering resilient forests. Understanding and monitoring vegetation structure and composition and how it relates to parasitoid populations will help to quickly detect, measure, and forecast negative changes to forest ecosystems. This research will explore the link between plant and parasitoid populations across forests of different successional stages and disturbance regimes to provide (1) a strong basis on which to create and improve ecological restoration and rehabilitation programs and (2) data on the relationship between vegetation and parasitoids to identify and detect the effects of future disturbances and cascade effects on animal species as part of regular, long-term management of forests. This is especially relevant in Ontario as invasive species, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), continue to spread rapidly throughout the province having detrimental impacts on the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve, the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Rohit Verma, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environment
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) trees are currently dying off at rates higher than previously recorded as a result of the rapid spreading of beech bark disease (BBD) in North America. Beech trees are a principal tree species in Ontario’s hardwood forests and are a significant source of nutrition for wildlife. Currently, identifying BBD and severity is performed with on the ground visual inspection of individual beech trees. However, this technique would not be the most efficient if a large area needs to be sampled. Alternatively, recent studies have shown that it is possible to identify certain diseased plants and trees using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal imaging technology because tree leaves, stem and root diseases can cause water stress, reduce transpiration rates and increase canopy temperature. However, whether beech trees infected with BBD are identifiable using thermal imaging is unknown. Consequently, this project will investigate whether capturing thermal imagery of American beech trees, via UAVs, can discern healthy individuals from diseased individuals. If successful, UAVs equipped with high resolution cameras can be a more efficient method at identifying and mapping the extent and severity of BBD than on the ground surveys.
Project Researcher:
Kathleen Church Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christina Semeniuk
University of Windsor, Department of Integrative Biology, Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research (GLIER)
Monitoring behavioural changes in animals can tell us how pollutants, like microplastics (plastic particles < 5 mm), are likely to affect populations. High numbers of microplastics are currently present in freshwater habitats, and these habitats are becoming more susceptible to microplastic pollution over time, especially in cities. Freshwater fishes, including salmonids, are known to mistake microplastic particles for food, and eat them. Laboratory studies show that behavioural changes often result from microplastics ingestion, including altered swimming and foraging behaviour, but it is currently unknown how these behavioural changes scale up to affect population size. This project aims to fill this knowledge gap by using Agent-Based Models (ABMs) to assess how behavioural changes that occur following microplastics ingestion will affect the population viability of stream-dwelling salmonids. This study identifies targets for microplastics pollution likely to prevent declines in salmonid populations, in combination with educational material for rare that aligns with the Canadian government’s intention to ban single use-plastics by the end of 2021, a first step toward zero plastic waste in Canada by 2030.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
BugNet is a global network of scientists that aims to better understand the impacts of invertebrate herbivores and fungal pathogens on different aspects of plant communities. While a few studies have shown big impacts of invertebrates and fungal pathogens, we know little about how generally important they are, and how their functional composition varies across a range of different ecosystems. A powerful tool to quantify the variation in plant consumer communities and their impact are globally coordinated experiments, using standardized measurements and replicated experiments across ecological gradients. The “Bug-Network” will be such a project and aims to explore the context dependency of biotic interactions within a coordinated research network comprised of many grassland- and shrubland sites worldwide.
Project Researcher:
Haolun (Allen) Tian, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed
Queen’s University, Department of Biology
Monitoring biodiversity is a key part of developing climate resiliency in aquatic ecosystem conservation. However, sampling resources are often insufficient to assess the numerous low population density waterbodies present in Ontario. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful emerging tool for non-invasive and economical environmental surveying. As organisms move through their environment, they shed genetic material that we can sample to identify what species are present in a waterbody. With eDNA, we can monitor the status of native plant, fish, and invertebrate populations, locate algal blooms, and detect invasive species. Our project aims to develop an easy-to-use community science oriented eDNA sampling kit and protocol, and field test it in Grand River at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. After developing our kit, we will conduct eDNA sampling with it as well as our lab sampling protocol for comparison. We will compare eDNA yield with the two types of sampling and use DNA metabarcoding to examine what species are present in the river at the rare reserve. By comparing our community science sampling protocol with traditional eDNA sampling techniques and existing lists of species known to be present, we will validate our kit for wider production and use.
Project Researcher:
Julia Aplin, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Leesa Fawcett
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies and Urban Change
I am an interdisciplinary artist with a background in dance and a great love of trees. I am researching how deep listening and artistic practices can help us to better understand and relate to our natural world. I am curious about the sentience of all living things and enhancing our sense of kinship. We are all related, and everything is connected. What would trees tell us if we listen? I see artistic creation as a way to heal our relationship with the earth and through my creativity, I am investigating my place on this Indigenous land, while simultaneously investigating my own Celtic cultural heritage. I will be sharing my arts based research through multi-media projects, writing and community gatherings.
Project Researcher:
Amy Pitura, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Much of southern Ontario has experienced three to four centuries of extensive European and contemporary land use, and millennia of Indigenous land use. Human land use in a stream’s watershed can cause a variety of disturbances to the stream that can, in turn, impact fish populations. Fish populations can respond to disturbance in many ways, including population size changes, splits, and between-population migration. These population-level responses are often reflected in the genetics of future generations. Using modern bioinformatics technologies, we can take advantage of this and use the genetics of modern fish to infer historical population-level responses. My work aims to characterize responses that were caused by human activities within the last 1000 years.
Project Researcher:
Amanda Meuser, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Humans have had a profound impact on the environment in Southern Ontario, through means including agriculture and urbanization. These types of disturbances can disrupt ecosystems and bring previously distant species into close contact, which can allow for hybridization between these species. In my thesis project, I will assess how outcomes of hybridization vary between minnow species, and how the type of disturbance affects the frequency and type of hybrid individuals. Species of interest include creek chub minnows and their hybrid offspring with a number of other related Cyprinidae fish species. While creek chub and related minnow species are not endangered, this research is an opportunity to learn how human disturbance shapes evolution of species native to this area and will hopefully support conservation efforts of endangered taxa in this region and similarly disturbed areas.
Project Researcher:
Alice Xu, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Goetz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The purpose of this study is to learn about what smartphone applications like iNaturalist and eBird enable everyday users and scientists to do, and how it contributes to practical work done by scientists. The anticipated benefits of this study are to make visible the tangible benefits of everyday users to scientists’ work, and precisely what those benefits are. The basic procedures will include a self-study of how a novice user comes to learn to use the application and how expert users (i.e., scientists) use the application. These procedures will help to uncover how the mobile application helps to mediate between these two kinds of users. Interviews and audio/video recordings will be used to learn about how scientists and conservationists have integrated the mobile application(s) and the app’s user-generated data into their day-to-day work.
Project Researcher:
Kerry Schutten PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
This pilot project is part of a broader initiative by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative to investigate the impact of plastic pollution on Ontario wildlife, with a specific focus on birds. A major focus of the broader initiative is to use post-mortem examination of wildlife that are passively collected for surveillance to quantify plastic ingestion and investigate impacts of plastic on wildlife health. This turkey vulture project is intended to establish a baseline understanding of whether vultures are ingesting plastics in Ontario – this understanding will help us to develop future work that assesses health metrics in these species. Turkey vultures are scavenger bird species that regularly feed at landfills and other human-dominated landscapes, and therefore are potentially important sentinel species to study the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Project Researcher:
Natalie Houde, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke and Dr. Alex Smith
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Frogs are great, not only because they are well-loved by many, but also because they are important to nature. Frogs are an irreplaceable food source for many animals, and they keep insect populations under control by feeding on them. Unfortunately, frogs and their prey are facing alarming declines because of habitat loss. It is still poorly understood how this affects food webs in Canada. For these reasons, I am researching the diets of frogs across Southern Ontario by using poop! The frogs caught for my project will stay in comfortable cages overnight. The next morning, their cages will be checked for poop and all frogs will be released back to the wild. By collecting these poop samples and analyzing them with state-of-the-art molecular techniques, I can learn what the frogs ate without causing them any harm. Learning this information is valuable for Canada’s efforts towards amphibian conservation.
Project Researcher:
Project Supervisor:
Contact Us for Previous Research
For access to research conducted before 2018, please reach out to us directly and we would be happy to provide information on past projects.
Project Researcher:
Kristyn Richardson
Project Supervisor:
Bird Studies Canada
Barn swallows nest almost exclusively on human-made structures such as barns, sheds, bridges and culverts and are the most widely distributed of all swallows. As such, many people would be shocked to learn that the Ontario populations has declined by 66% since 1970. Despite how frequently humans overlap with these swallows (part of a group of birds collectively called aerial insectivores because of their habit of eating flying insects while flying high in the air) we know relatively little about them. While the causes of these declines are unknown, here in Ontario educations in the amount of available nesting habitat as well as human-caused disturbance are two potential reasons. The results of the artificial nesting structure project on the rare property, as well as the complimentary social cues research, will be used to determine what breeding habitat characteristics are most important for Barn Swallows in Ontario and inform Best Management Practices for the conservation of this species.
Project Researcher:
Philippe Van Cappellen
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Traditionally, management of water resources has focused on surface water bodies (streams, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, etc.) or on groundwater as if they were separate entities. As the use of land and water resources intensifies, the hydraulic connection between surface water and groundwater has become recognized as a crucial element in water management. This research will monitor the spatial distributions of nutrient elements (C, N, P, Si, K and S) and key biogeochemical redox indicators (in particular, iron) in the riparian and hyphoreic zones of a small, groundwater-fed stream on the rare Charitable Research Reserve over the course of one year. The spatio-temporal patterns will be used to unravel the key biogeochemical transformations affecting nutrient speciation and fluxes within the riparian and hyporheic filter zones, and establish their response to seasonal variations in stream hydrology, soil temperature and biological activity.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Tallgrass prairie formerly occupied 80,000 to 100,000 hectares in southwestern Ontario but less than 5% of that remains. Andrew plans to convert an agricultural field on rare property (most recently used to grow soybeans) into a native tallgrass prairie. There are several main goals of this research. The first is to determine the factors that ensure success in prairie restoration especially the ability of tallgrass prairies to resist invasion from non-target species; particularly exotic agronomic grasses. The second objective is to determine the factors that influence the pattern of distribution of plant species in a tallgrass prairie; i.e. are these factors environmental or non-environmental? The third objective is to restore a tallgrass prairie research site that will eventually look like a tallgrass prairie rather than a checkerboard pattern of research plots that will require constant maintenance. This sampling design will help address the research questions but will also restore the function of this ecosystem for creatures such as birds, insects and small mammals. The research project consists of a five-year building phase followed by a longer-term monitoring and manipulation phase.
Project Researcher:
Paul Kron, Research Associate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Closely related species can sometimes reproduce to produce hybrid organisms. Two such species are the domestic apple and the wild crabapple. Paul is studying the complex genetic interactions between these two species. This involves several components. What is the genetic variability within the wild crabapple? What is the fate of hybrids in the natural environment; i.e. do they survive and reproduce? Over 25 saplings from each of five genetically different apple strains were grown from seeds collected on rare property (three crabapple variants plus two hybrids with the domestic apple) and planted in the alvar complex. The fate of these individuals is being monitored over a ten-year period. The genetic variation of pollen and seed from mature trees of both species will also be determined. This will provide insight into the nature of the reproductive pathways that occur among these two species that lead to the production of fruits and seed. This research will provide important information on the potential impacts of introducing genetically-modified organisms (organisms intentionally modified by humans) into the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
eremy deWaard
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG)
Despite their importance, arthropods only represent a minor component in most biodiversity assessments because of the difficulty in their identification to a species level through morphological study. Our project will overcome this barrier by coupling high-throughput sequencing platforms with the capacity of DNA barcoding to discriminate species. This approach will allow us to document patterns of species distribution and diversity at scales and in settings where this was previously impossible. Arthropods will be collected using Malaise traps across over 50 sites in southern Ontario and Quebec, including the rare Charitable Research Reserve . This project will contribute to the international Terrestrial Arthropod Monitoring Program which aims to detail arthropod diversity across ecoregions in ten nations. Particularly, this project will provide data for the Mixedwood Plains ecoregion in Canada. This study is also an extension of previous surveys using the same collecting method and sampling sites in order to assess long-term trends in arthropod biodiversity.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals ( Cardinalis cardinalis ) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus , are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Principal Investigator
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
In an uncertain future climate, both the quantity and quality of water supplied by headwater wetland source areas in cold regions are expected to change significantly. However, our knowledge of how climate change will impact the biogeochemical functioning and hydrochemistry of these source areas remains limited. We propose to elucidate the role of winter soil processes on the export of carbon (C) and nutrients (N, P, S, Fe) to the river network under changing climate conditions. The project builds on the hypothesis that spring pulses of dissolved organic and inorganic C and nutrients by these headwaters reflect the cumulative effects of microbial and geochemical processing of redox sensitive elements during the non-growing season. The project will advance the predictive understanding of C and nutrient cycling in soils of headwater source areas under seasonal snow and ice cover. The project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in C and nutrient stocks, speciation and fluxes driven by variations in snow cover and freeze-thaw cycles. Overall, the proposed project will enhance our ability to evaluate the impact of different potential climatic scenarios on C and nutrient export and speciation along the aquatic continuum.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Jessica Linton
Project Supervisor:
Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
In 2015 NRSI began a multi-year collaborative project to address key actions and knowledge gaps identified in the Draft Recovery Strategy for Mottled Duskywing. This proposal builds on previous projects by focusing on achieving the government-supported recovery goals for the species. The current project involves inventory work, research, and collaborative activities which support multi-species SAR butterfly recovery.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis , the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
e are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also
be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rare Charitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Peter Kevan
Project Supervisor:
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences & the Arthur Dobbs Institute
The internal temperatures within flowers and stem of herbaceous plants are not well studied. Most of the information on temperatures within flowers and their ecological significance has been gathered in cool, Arctic and alpine environments. Temperature regimes in the hollow stems of herbaceous plants seems to never to have been studied, yet probably 2/3 of temperate zone herbaceous plants have hollow stems. Our project is to survey the incidence of hollow stems in Canadian plants and to assess how elevated temperatures that build up in them is achieved (microgreenhouse effects) and to measure the temperatures within flowers that can act as parabolic/spheric dishes, as simple discs, and as microgreenhouses as in air enclosing blossoms. The measurements obtained will be related to growth and maturation rates, reproductive ecology of the plants, their phenologies, and habitats.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as amonitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Heather Townsend, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
My research project specifically aims to improve our conceptual and quantitative understanding of changes in phosphorous stocks, speciation, and fluxes driven by variations in snow-cover and freeze-thaw cycles as they relate to phosphorous export from agricultural soils to water resources. In my MSc research project, I am conducting a series of novel laboratory-controlled experiments that will specifically investigate the role of the seasonal freeze-thaw events on the fate, transport, and cycling of phosphorous in agricultural soils during the winter transition (fall-winter and winter-spring) and non-growing season. The experimental results will be integrated into a reactive transport model to quantitatively assess the effects of winter conditions on below-ground phosphorous speciation, transformation rates and bioavailability. This research
has implications for soil fertility, groundwater and surface water quality, and our understanding of seasonal variability in phosphorous losses from agricultural soils. The model results will predict how the export of water, phosphorous, and other nutrients in cold regions may respond to projected winter warming and advise best management practices regarding Canadian’s agricultural future in a changing climate. The data and insights gained through the proposed experimental and modeling activities will yield a better conceptual understanding of soil phosphorous cycling and strengthen its representation in coupled biogeochemical-hydrological models.
Project Researcher:
Alannah Grant, MsC Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The urban environment is currently the fastest growing habitat type on the planet. This rapid expansion of the urban landscape poses new stressors and challenges to which wildlife in these environments must respond and adapt. My study examines the affects of the urban environment on eastern grey squirrel stress and brain development in mother squirrels and their pups. To do this I will be comparing the physiology of squirrels found in urban locations to squirrels in non-urban locations, like rare , that provide a non-disturbed, organic habitat in the midst of urbanization.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve , the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Andrew Trant
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In an era of climate change, understanding changes to forest composition and productivity requires detailed knowledge of factors influencing growth, regeneration and establishment. However, this is complicated by the long-term history of people interacting with the environment. Failing to consider these forests as coupled human-environment systems may impair our ability to understand how they will respond to changes in site and growing conditions. The long-term focus of my lab’s research is to measure past and present patterns of ecosystem services across culturally rich, economically important, and biodiverse landscapes. Through quantitative assessment of past, present and future forests, this research will provide important insight for guiding management and conservation decisions. To accomplish this, I will establish long-term field sites on rare properties. Using a variety of ethnobotanical, dendroecological, and experimental approaches at multiple spatial scales, my research will provide important information on the future of these landscapes.
Project Researcher:
Kyle Schang, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew Trant
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
In this project, we want to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that determine the northern range limit of Carolinian tree species in Ontario. At rare, we want to see how shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), a Carolinian species, competes against sugar maples (Acer saccharum), a dominant species of the region under current and future climate scenarios.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Associate Professor & Dr. Marcel O’Gorman
Project Supervisor:
Professor and Research Chair
University of Waterloo, Critical Media Lab (CML), Department of English
Hirondelusia is a barn swallow habitat modified from designs approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to mitigate habitat loss. Using a critical design approach, it explores what happens when humans and non-humans encounter structures approved for species at risk. Through a collaborative, combined academic and creative approach, Hirondelusia seeks HOW and WHY specific species at risk recovery strategies are designed and built, and WHAT seeing structures like this tell humans about threatened species like the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirondelusia was part of CAFKA 2021 and is now located beside the rare ECO Centre.
Project Researcher:
Erika Myler, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Robert Hanner
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an innovative technique that involves analyzing the DNA in an environmental sample to identify which species are present, without capturing or sighting an animal. Using this approach, we will collect and analyze water samples from the Eramosa and Grand Rivers to characterize local fish communities, including species at risk and invasive alien species.
Project Researcher:
Lauren Witterick, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Liana Zanette
University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
My work looks at the enduring effects of fear on the brain and behaviour in wildlife. I use audio playbacks of local predator or non-predator species to manipulate the levels of predation risk in white-footed mice in their natural habitat. I will monitor how the fear of predators impacts foraging behaviour, particularly how much food animals leave behind when they are scared. I will also look at the enduring effects on the brain through changes in activation, neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons), and neuron structure in regions associated with fear processing. My work on the brain is adapted from laboratory models for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where predators or their cues are often used to induce PTSD-like symptoms to study the causes and treatments of PTSD. Finding similar enduring effects in the brains of free-living wildlife will address gaps in the ecology and conservation literature by linking the behavioural and demographic consequences of fear with effects on the brain and will expand on biomedical models for PTSD by addressing the effects of fear on the brain outside of a captive laboratory environment.
Project Researcher:
Carolyn Morris, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christopher M. Wood
University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a naturally occurring complex compound and is the product of the breakdown of organic matter in soil and water. It is often the most abundant dissolved component in freshwaters (Thurman, 1985). Its importance is widely recognized in aquatic toxicology, and recently in national environmental regulations in the United States and the European Union (EU), as the most important protective agent against metal toxicity (e.g. aluminum, copper, lead, zinc) because of its ability to bind up metals and reduce their bioavailability. However, it has been largely ignored by physiologists as a major water quality parameter. Recent studies have suggested that it may exert direct protective effects on ionoregulation (blood salt regulation) in freshwater fish, and this may be, in part the same explanation responsible for the protective effects noted against the negative actions of metals and low pH in fish. However, virtually nothing is known about the physiological mechanisms of this protection. This is the subject of my doctoral research.
Project Researcher:
Michelle Bomberry, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Debra Harwood
Brock University, Department of Education
The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to explore Haudenosaunee earth-based (more commonly known as land-based pedagogies), as a culturally relevant learning model for Indigenous students. Using the Tree of Peace methodology symbolic to Haudenosaunee epitemology, the research will draw on conversational circles with their parents, earth-based educators, children, and knowledge holders.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Amanda Liczner, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
While foraging in agricultural landscapes, bumble bees can be exposed to different environmental stressors including pesticides which can negatively effect their flight behaviour and memory. We will test the impact of two pesticide classes on bumble bee queen flight behaviour using radio-tracking technology. Radio-tracking will also be used to learn more about bumble bee hibernation habitat.
Project Researcher:
Dr Elizabeth Clare
Project Supervisor:
York University, Department of Biology
My research group has a history of developing new technologies which use environmental DNA. We have collected this material from water, faeces, the gut track of terrestrial leeches and from dung beetles as a method to track interactions between species and terrestrial biodiversity. Most recently we invented a method to filter eDNA from air samples. We have demonstrated the utility in laboratory settings and in a survey of a zoological park where we were able to detect mammals and birds from the eDNA carried in the air. Our method is almost silent and thus very non-invasive to wildlife. This technique has the strong probability to transform terrestrial biomonitoring just as it has in aquatic ecology and management. In the proposed work we want to measure how eDNA accumulates and dissipates in a natural setting. We propose to collect samples: 1) before birds return, when we expect there may be no eDNA (negative control) at the location 2) when they are present, and there should be detectable eDNA in the air (positive control) and 3) after they depart at frequent intervals to try and assess how long the eDNA persists in the environment.
Project Researcher:
Sarah MacKell, Lead Biologist
Project Supervisor:
Wildlife Preservation Canada, Native Pollinator Initiative
In 2022, WPC’s research team will continue conducting expert pollinator surveys in spring (April, May, and June) to locate rare and declining bumble bees throughout Ontario, including southern Ontario. WPC will survey sites in the historical range of the endangered rusty-patched bumble bee (B. affinis) and the gypsy cuckoo bumble bee (B. bohemicus) in an attempt to (re-) discover extant populations of this and other rare or declining species (e.g., B. pensylvanicus, and B. terricola), and to gain more information on the composition and status of all bumble bee species in the province. Bumble bee worker surveys may also be conducted throughout the spring, summer, and fall as time and researcher availability permits. During spring surveys field crews will collect yellow-banded bumble bee (B. terricola) and brown-belted bumble bee (B. griseocollis) queens for use in WPC’s conservation breeding program. Fecal sampling will also be conducted in order to assess community health, and the health of the queens brought into the conservation breeding program.
Project Researcher:
Michael McTavish, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Sandy Smith
University of Toronto, Institute of Forestry and Conservation
Introduced Phragmites is a highly competitive non-native grass that has a variety of undesirable impacts on native biodiversity and ecological processes. Biological control (i.e., the release of highly specific natural enemies) is a promising tool to supplement existing management approaches such as herbicides and mowing. Biological control is now being implemented at a pilot scale in southern Ontario using two stem-boring moth species that kill or stunt the growth of Phragmites. In this project, the two moths will be released as eggs and larvae into patches of Phragmites and monitored for several years. This project will provide information about the impacts of biological control agents on introduced Phragmites, how other vegetation recovers following control, how the moths spread to nearby weed patches, and how the two biological control agents interact with each other when released in the same location. This research will help develop biological control as a safe, effective, and affordable option to help manage one of Canada’s worst invasive plants.
Project Researcher:
Megan Schmidt, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Maria Strack
University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
This project aims to understand how carbon is cycled and stored in swamps across Southern Ontario and how environmental factors such as location, water table, and vegetation type impact it. We will look at how much carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are exchanged between the atmosphere and the soil and trees, how much carbon is stored in the soil, trees, and plants, and how much is retained or lost through leaf drop and vegetation die back and decomposition. We will create a carbon balance for the entire ecosystem and better understand the impact swamps may have on climate through greenhouse gas emissions or storage.
Project Researcher:
Sarah Marshall, MES Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Jeremy Pittman
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will consider different tools to analyze the connectivity of the landscape of Waterloo Region, to assist the rare Charitable Research Reserve in its goal to protect more conservation lands in the coming years. I will evaluate the use of different tools in their usefulness to the raresites land securement team. Once I have collected this information, my thesis will provide detailed recommendations to the raresites land securement committee as they work on revisions for their Land Securement Strategy, due for an update in 2023. I also intend to create a user-friendly landscape connectivity analysis tool which is best suited for use by the rare Planning Ecologist and Land Securement Team.
Project Researcher:
Kassandra Pineda, MSc Candidate & Morgan Basile, BSc Student
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Webb
University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
Our research seeks to identify evidence of land-use change using plant residues preserved in soils. Plant residues deposited in the soil are eventually transformed into soil organic matter that is rich in carbon and remains in the soil for thousands of years. Biochar formed from burning of tall-grass prairies is also a form of resistant carbon stored in the soils. We will use two innovative geochemical techniques to understand carbon preservation in soils at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Stable carbon isotopes of soil organic matter (SOM)preserved in soil aggregates will be used to measure how quickly fresh carbon is incorporated into the SOM reservoir after a change in land-use (e.g., restoration of agricultural land to grassland). We are also developing a new technique using the oxygen-isotope values of charcoal as an indicator of burn temperature of past fires. The charcoal in the Blair Flats prairie restoration will be analyzed to assess the char’s contribution to carbon storage in grassland soil.
Project Researcher:
Lisa Hirmer
Project Supervisor:
Made from lime, olivine, straw, graphite and charcoal, The Atmosphere is Always Still Being Made is a carbon capturing sculpture that continuously absorbs atmosphere carbon dioxide. This means that as your breath joins the air between you and the sculpture, some of the carbon in your exhalation is likely to become part of the sculpture. Over time the sculpture will harden due to this carbon absorption, eventually becoming limestone. This means that breath becomes air, which becomes sculpture, which becomes geology—a reminder that we live in exchange with the atmospheric and geologic conditions of this planet. The work is meant to offer a space of contemplation for contemplation around climate change, acknowledging both the massive scale of the climate emergency and the possibility that things could be different.
Project Researcher:
Xinda Lu, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Josh Neufeld
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology,
Nitrogen is a key element controlling terrestrial productivity. Nitrification, mediated by microorganisms, converts reduced (ammonia) to oxidized (nitrite and nitrate) forms of nitrogen. Nitrification has profound influences on the environment, for example, by contributing greenhouse gasses (nitrous oxide) and leaching fertilizer nitrogen (nitrate). Although nitrification has been studied for over a century, it is only recently that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were discovered in addition to their counterparts, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), which were formerly regarded as the sole contributors to nitrification. Since their discovery, questions regarding the ecology, physiology, and metabolism of AOA are still not well answered. This project will combine molecular methods, microcosm incubations, and bioinformatics to study the biogeography and activity of soil AOA in an effort to better understand AOA distributions and function. As main part of this project, soil samples will be collected at rare Charitable Research Reserve, and microcosm incubation will be set up under different conditions (temperature and substrate form). Short-term and long-term soil incubation aim at elucidating the influence of temperature and different forms of nitrogen (organic/inorganic) on AOA activity, adding more evidence to the niche seperation of soil AOA.
Project Researcher:
Meghan Grgruic, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. François Tardif
University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture
As a human facilitated introduced species, giant hogweed poses a threat to habitat diversity and ecosystem health. As an invasive species, giant hogweed is thought to reduce diversity among native plant communities where its colonies have established. This is especially true when monocultures become established within populations due to the high quantity of seeds produced per plant. Its large leaf area has the potential to shade smaller plants, as well as increase riverbank erosion when the senescence of vegetation creates bare ground in the fall and winter. This erosion can have a number of consequences, including the threat to fish and other organisms, from both changes to their habitat and possible addition of chemical substrates. With these negative influences giant hogweed has on communities it’s invaded, safe and effective management is important. Giant hogweed’s proximity to water makes control without chemicals necessary but challenging due to its persistence and regenerative abilities. This research will investigate different manual control treatments and how they affect the ability hogweed has to produce viable seed through regeneration.
Project Researcher:
Mason Stothart, M.Sc. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
One of the primary mechanisms hypothesized to facilitate the invasion of nascent niches created by urbanization is synanthropic modification of a species’ stress response. In vertebrates, stress physiology plays an important role in regulating everything from homeostasis and immunity, to ‘fight or flight’ behavioural responses. The closer human-association implicit in synurban adaptive modification of an organism’s stress response, would not only increase incidences of human-wildlife conflict, but also zoonotic disease risk. Further exacerbating this risk is the connection between stress and immune physiology, since changes in the former could compromise the latter, thereby increasing pathogen prevalence on the urban environment. While the importance of understanding these processes is emphasized in the literature, little is known about synurban stress physiology, and even less about its interaction with disease transmission. Using a combination of field, lab, and citizen science techniques, I propose to characterize longitudinal synanthropic patterns in stress/immune physiology, and disease ecology in urban and exurban populations of eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).
Project Researcher:
Jeremy Pittman
Project Supervisor:
University of Waterloo, School of Planning
This project will engage gardeners using rare’s community gardening plots to document and quantify the garden’s impact to local food security, environmental awareness, and ecosystem services. Community gardens can play an important role in (1) providing access to locally produced foods, (2) ensuring a cost-effective source of healthy produce, and (3) contributing to the health and wellbeing of urban residents. The specific role of rare’s community gardens in providing these benefits will be determined by surveying community gardeners. The survey will provide quantitative and in-depth information on the impact of the gardens, which will help communicate their benefits to the public.
Project Researcher:
Haley Kenyon, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Paul Martin
Queen’s University, Biology Department
Colour pattern differences appear to play an important role in allowing closely related species of birds to live together, but we don’t yet know exactly what this role is. One relatively unexplored hypothesis for why colour pattern divergence might be favoured when closely related species live together focuses on the role that species recognition plays in costly aggressive interactions; if species share similar signals, then intraspecific aggression may be misdirected towards members of other species. I will test this hypothesis that selection against interspecific aggression drives colour pattern divergence in birds by presenting Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) with models painted to look like their close relatives which have varying degrees of colour pattern similarity (i.e., Vermilion Cardinals, C. phoeniceus are very similar to Northern Cardinals, while Pyrrhuloxia, C. sinuatus, are much more dull).
Project Researcher:
Heather Cray, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Since only 1-3% of tallgrass prairie habitat remains in North America, dedicated citizens, scientists, and government officials are working to restore prairie in southern Ontario. Most of these restorations are done by either hand-broadcasting or drilling-in seeds on ex-agricultural land. While there is increasing evidence that invasive earthworms are important ecosystem engineers, surprisingly little is known about their effect on invaded habitat. Despite knowing that exotic earthworms are spreading across Ontario and that they both eat and bury seeds, key information about the presence, community structure, and population density of these seed predators is lacking. This project will address this knowledge gap at rare by assessing the earthworm population in the restored tallgrass prairie at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. The results of this work will inform future prairie restoration by adding another piece to the complex food web of establishing habitats and will deepen our understanding of factors related to earthworm invasion.
Project Researcher:
Winnie (Hui Ling) Yang, M.Sc Candidate.
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Urbanization is a threat to many natural ecosystems across the globe. Human invasion into thenatural landscape yields an entirely novel ecosystem for local wildlife populations, beyondanything they have ever experienced. This study aims to identify potential mechanisms that driveurban adaptation by characterizing changes in behavioural temperaments and stress physiology,specifically in the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). We trapped and sampled squirrelsfrom the University of Guelph and the rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, whichrepresents our urban and rural sites, respectively. Open field (OF) trials were conducted onsquirrels to quantify exploratory behaviour, while stress physiology was evaluated throughdexamethasone-ACTH hormone challenges and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs).Squirrels were initially assessed in May and June, followed by a second assessment in July andAugust 2019. Interestingly, preliminary results show that rural squirrels were bolder in the OFarena compared to urban squirrels, but do not differ in other behavioural traits. Additionally,FGMs were consistently higher in urban squirrels whereas the reactivity of the stress axis is morecomplex as it is influenced by site, sex and capture number. These results suggest thattemperament differences observed between urban and rural squirrels may be the result ofphenotypic plasticity instead of inherent changes in personality. Furthermore, our results showthat urban squirrels possess a unique stress response from that of their rural conspecifics andthus may contribute to shaping an urban phenotype. In summation, our findings provide crucialinsight into the potential mechanisms of adaptation that allow the eastern grey squirrel to thrivein an urban environment.
Project Researcher:
Ellen Esch, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships are widely observed in nature. These relationships are largely attributed to niche complementarity effects or selection effects of diverse plant species. If plant species have differential preferences in time or space for nutrient uptake, the complementarity hypothesis holds that resources will be used more efficiently and completely, thereby allowing for greater ecosystem-level functionality. In contrast, the selection effect purports that capturing the direct contributions from inherently high functioning species become increasingly probable as the richness of a species assemblage increases. Despite the widespread acceptance that biodiversity promotes ecosystem function, the most abundant ecosystem on the planet – agricultural landscapes – largely overlook biodiversity as a potential mechanism through which ecosystem function could be enhanced. Here, we propose a test of diversity-function relationships to ask if increasing species richness provides an opportunity to maintain target productivity levels while best conserving, and in exceptional instances restoring, total ecosystem functionality within an agricultural context.
Project Researcher:
Mallory Moscovitch, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Götz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The rapid growth of new media in recent years has greatly influenced how data is collected by citizen scientists. It is clear that new media are expanding into a wide range of data collection practices, yet the ways in which the underlying designs of new media impact citizen scientists and the data they collect are not clear. I seek to orient new media users along with the media they exploit as central to my analysis. By studying a group of citizen scientist birders as they interact with new media in the data collection process, I seek to gain deeper insights into the communicative nature of new media and the designs that underpin them. In turn, I hope to shed light on future digital designs and new media used at rare and the wider citizen science community.
Project Researcher:
Erik Etzler, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Darryl Gwynne
University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sexual ornaments often result in increased risk of being caught by predators. Increased mortality can lead to evolution of those traits to optimize survival and sexual reproduction. Previous work has tended to focus on the effects of a single predator, so my project aims to look at how multiple predators interact to affect the evolution of sexual ornaments in a prey species. The prey species is O. nigricornis, a species of tree cricket, and the predators are I. mexicana, a predatory wasp, and S. neglecta, and parasitoid fly. These species were chosen as both predators leave their prey relatively intact, allowing for direct comparisons between crickets that are being targeted and survivors.
Project Researcher:
Linden Fairbairn, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Philippe Van Cappellen and Fereidoun Rezanezhad
University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Pollution of ground- and surface waters with nutrients from agricultural sources leads to eutrophication of water bodies and is a major stressor on Canada’s water resources. Eutrophication can harm aquatic ecosystem communities by causing excessive algae growth and hypoxic zones, which has implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Consequently, controlling the movement of nutrients from soil to water has become a major goal of conservation practices. To plan for effective nutrient management in the future, we need to develop a better understanding of the processes that control nutrient losses from soil, especially under future climate change as rainfall events become more intense. In this project, I will investigate nutrient mobility in agricultural soils at rare. Specifically, I will be looking at how dynamic hydrologic conditions in soil affect nutrient mobility and the microbial communities that influence nutrient processing, and how intensifying rainfall will impact these. The outcomes of this project will lead to more effective nutrient management strategies to protect aquatic ecosystems from the ramifications of nutrient pollution.
Project Researcher:
Kevin MacColl, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Hafiz Maherali
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
We are researching the effects of agricultural nutrient loading on the relationships between plants and symbiotic fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form nutritional mutualisms with over 80% of terrestrial plant species. AM fungi colonize plant roots and exchange nutrients, particularly phosphorus, for photosynthetically-derived carbohydrates. Plants exclude the fungi from their roots in more fertile soils, resulting in a decline of AM fungi in terms of abundance, and species diversity. It has also been hypothesized that AM fungi adapt to elevated nutrients by colonizing plant roots more aggressively, and essentially becoming parasitic. In this study, we are collecting soil and plant samples from several farms around Southern Ontario to determine if nutrient enrichment has caused a decline in AM fungal abundance and diversity. Soils will also be used to inoculate plants under growth room conditions to determine if the fungi have defected to parasitism. The rareCharitable Research Reserve will act as a reference site to study plants and fungi that are less affected by agriculture.
Project Researcher:
Shannon French, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
We are investigating the role of rodents in the ecology of Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm. In this study we aim to identify and quantify the species visiting established raccoon latrines through the use of motion-sensitive trail cameras directed at identified and accessible latrines. Images will be assessed for presented behaviours in addition to the number of species present.
Project Researcher:
Heather Ikert, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Paul Craig & Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
With an ever-growing human population, increasing stress is placed on the aquatic environment, impacting biodiversity. Stressors such as wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, and the introduction of invasive species, all affect natural communities. To study the impact of these stressors in combination continues to be a keystone in ensuring that we limit our global ecological footprint. One aspect of monitoring the effects of our actions on the environment is detection/identification of fish populations to ensure that all native species are at a sustainable level, and no invasive species are present. Historically, the only way to measure this was via sampling and identification, which is time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the environment. In the last decade, an alternative technique has been developed where DNA in the water column, environmental DNA (eDNA), is used to identify the presence or absence of certain species. Furthermore, environmental RNA (eRNA), could be used to identify fish heath or stress levels. Therefore, using non-invasive measures of eDNA and eRNA will allow for measurement of changes in fish populations and health in response in multiple stressors in the Grand River watershed.
Project Researcher:
Janean Sharkey, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Nigel Raine
University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences
With increasing concern about population declines and range reductions, it is important to research the current state of bee fauna in Canada. I am interested in how restoration and land management influence the structure of wild bee communities. I will assess bee community composition and characterize vegetation in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie and naturalized meadow habitat in southern Ontario. Only 1% of the original tallgrass prairie communities remain in Canada. My research will also investigate the movement and habitat use of bumble bee species on a landscape scale using innovative radio-tracking and molecular techniques. I aim to track the movement of queen bumble bees during selection of overwintering and nest sites and examine factors that limit population success. Little is known about bumble bee queen movement, habitat use and specific life history requirements and how these factors may differ between species. Linking patterns of movement with landscape use and structure will facilitate improved habitat management strategies to support and enhance pollinator populations. Research outcomes will have implications for restoration ecology, land management, pollinator conservation and best management practices.
Project Researcher:
Bernal Arce, M.Sc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Insect populations worldwide are declining and agricultural activity is partly to blame. Agriculture involves simplifying the landscape in both structure and composition, disrupting natural food chains in unexpected ways. One major consequence is the decline of insect predators and parasitoids because structure shapes their hunting strategies and determines their success. If native insects could be encouraged to predate herbivores in neighbouring agroecosystems, food production could be done with lower pesticide use therefore reducing its ecological impact and possibly creating new habitat in currently unproductive lands. Experimental farm plots with different configurations of habitat structure will be established at rare and sampled for insects and arthropods. The arthropod abundance and identity at each plot and surrounding areas will be recorded and analysed to test which habitat structure configurations are preferred by native predators and parasitoids. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding between beneficial predator arthropods and simplied farm landscapes so that new solutions may be developed in the future.
Project Researcher:
Victoria MacPhail, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Supervisor: Dr. Sheila Colla
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Pollinators are very important ecologically and economically but some are in decline. Habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change may have contributed to the declines, but many hypotheses have not been tested for rare species in Canada due to lack of data. (BBW) is a program where volunteers upload bumble bee photos to a website and work through an identification key to determine a species name, which experts verify. Although many records have been submitted, this data has not been analyzed or compared to that collected by experts. By using a database of expert-confirmed observations, data from BBW, and targeted field surveys, I will attempt to answer questions including: 1. Does BBW show increased distribution and abundance of bumble bees as compared to expert data? 2. Is habitat loss and/or land use changes driving the decline of bumble bees in Canada? 3. How can BBW data allow for increased conservation status assessments and effect conservation actions? 4. What is the diversity of bumble bees at high quality habitats like the rare property? My work will fill knowledge gaps, improve conservation status assessments, recommend recovery actions and influence policy for actions related to bumble bees.
Project Researcher:
Jonas Hamberg, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability
Noise is an increasingly important pollutant in the developed world, causing stress, high blood-pressure and lowered quality of life in humans and reducing habitat and diversity of wildlife. Natural areas are often relatively quiet because of the sound-dampening properties of vegetation and distance from human development. Fragmentation and disturbance of natural areas make it more difficult to find relative quiet, both for humans and for animals that communicate and avoid threats by sound. While noise-reduction and attenuation are considered ecosystem services, there is very little research quantifying the ability of restored ecosystems to reduce noise. This research will look at how restored tallgrass prairie and forest can be used to reduce and attenuate noise. Environmental noise will both be measured passively over time, and by playing back recorded noise at set frequencies and decibel level, measuring its reduction over a distance using a decibel meter. Noise pollution reduction is an important ecosystem service that can be added to the arguments for ecosystem restoration. It may also inform what type of restoration, conservation and enhancements are needed near sources of noise, for both human and animal wellbeing.
Project Researcher:
Leanne Grieves, Ph.D. Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Beth MacDougall-Shackleton
Western University, Department of Biology
Blood-borne parasites are found on nearly every continent and infect approximately 70% of bird species worldwide. Given their ability to infect multiple species and the anticipated range expansions of parasites associated with climate change, understanding host-parasite interactions is increasingly important. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a diverse gene family that plays a crucial role in the immune response to pathogens. MHC genotypes may affect the ability of populations to persevere under changing parasite pressures. I will study three song sparrow populations in Ontario, including sparrows at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. Using next-generation sequencing, microscopy, and song analysis software, I will explore whether 1) MHC genotypes are correlated with parasites, 2) different breeding populations show differences in parasite load (intensity of infection) and diversity (number of lineages), 3) parasite communities differ throughout the breeding season, and 4) increased parasite load decreases song performance. Understanding population differences in how birds cope with parasitic infections and the correlations between infection and fitness may inform future management decisions in songbirds.
Project Researcher:
Alana Wilcox, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Drs. Ryan Norris and Amy Newman
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
During the spring and early summer, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) lay eggs on milkweed (Asclepias spp.), which, by the third generation of monarchs in late fall, results in individuals having a unique migratory physiology (i.e., long, thing wings]). These monarch butterflies then undergo a nearly 4000 km migration from Southern Canada to the Oyamel fir forests in Mexico where they will overwinter for 9 months before beginning a multigenerational migration northward. Unfortunately, this migratory phenomenon is at risk due to various threats including exposure to agricultural chemicals. Neonicotinoid pesticides are known to affect the mobility, reproductive output and survival of insects, with studies focusing on honeybees and bumblebees. Unfortunately, little is known about the effects on monarch butterflies. This project aims to assess the effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin on monarch reproductive output, development, and migration capacity. Monarchs will be reared on milkweed grown in soil treated with the pesticide, during which we will monitor development. Once adults, monarchs will be mated to assess reproductive output (e.g., the number of eggs produced). Monarchs reared in fall will be tested using a flight simulator to gauge whether they naturally orient SW, as expected during migration.
Project Researcher:
Andrew Judge
Project Supervisor:
Conestoga College, Indigenous Studies
Indigenous land practices involve the following seven steps for the development of a sustainable landscape: Step 1: Observation, planning, and community engagement; Step 2: Clearing the land, seed saving and initiating a design; Step 3: Planting, irrigating and fertilizing; Step 4: Maintenance; Step 5: Harvesting; Step 6: Preparing, preserving, and storing harvest and seed; and, Step 7: Sharing and trading. This project proposes to build an Indigenous Garden at rare that implements the above seven steps using traditional Indigenous foods and medicines for the purpose of determining the viability in these steps to collect and maintain seed for future generations. This space will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where local community members can learn practical Indigenous land wisdom. The vision of this proposed garden is to promote Indigenous presence, Indigenous Knowledge exchange, community engagement, and cross-cultural relationship building at rare. By engaging community members in education surrounding Indigenous land-based practices new understanding of Indigenous people can be fostered.
Project Researcher:
Nathaneael Harper, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Barb Katzenback
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology
My research focuses on detecting the traces of DNA shed by amphibians into vernal pools. Sampling for traces of genetic material in the environment, known as environmental DNA (eDNA), is a next-generation bio-monitoring technique that can non-invasively identify the species in a waterbody with much greater accuracy and far less effort than conventional survey methods. Metabarcoding is a big-data technique that uses high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology to characterize the eDNA of multiple species from a single sample. No research to date has focused on using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor amphibians in the Grand River watershed. I will sample eDNA from vernal pools and compare the species detected by eDNA to those amphibian species detected by visual encounter surveys, egg mass surveys, and the Marsh Monitoring Protocol. My research will validate the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for use as a monitoring tool while improving knowledge of eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods in vernal pools.
Project Researcher:
Marie-Eugénie Maggia, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
This study is an assessment and comparison of species richness and impact of agricultural practices of earthworm communities in three different regions (south of Ontario, south of France, and French Guyana). I will estimate the sensitivity of earthworm communities to land use changes and study the historical and ecological factors that condition the structuring (assembling rules) of earthworm communities.
Project Researcher:
Dr. Justin Gaudon, Mitacs Elevate – Westfall Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Climate change, land development, invasive species, and other disturbances can destroy the composition, structure, and functions of vegetation across landscapes. These disturbances will impact insect parasitoids, which are a key, and often overlooked, component of the overall biodiversity in forest ecosystems and integral in maintaining diversity among other species through their role in fostering resilient forests. Understanding and monitoring vegetation structure and composition and how it relates to parasitoid populations will help to quickly detect, measure, and forecast negative changes to forest ecosystems. This research will explore the link between plant and parasitoid populations across forests of different successional stages and disturbance regimes to provide (1) a strong basis on which to create and improve ecological restoration and rehabilitation programs and (2) data on the relationship between vegetation and parasitoids to identify and detect the effects of future disturbances and cascade effects on animal species as part of regular, long-term management of forests. This is especially relevant in Ontario as invasive species, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), continue to spread rapidly throughout the province having detrimental impacts on the landscape.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plant community dominate in the oldfield ecosystem at rare Charitable Research Reserve, the crop treatment will be conventional soybean, and the habitat and crop treatment will be a 20% oldfield and 80% soybean plot which follows the Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) model of farming. Each cage will be stocked at the beginning of the growing season (May 15) with 15 ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) and 100 soybean aphids (Aphis glycines). Insect density and biocontrol will be monitored during the whole growing season from May- August. We expected that: (a) habitat plots will have a smaller benefit to biocontrol in sprayed than unsprayed cages and (b) recovery of biocontrol service after insecticide spraying will be faster in plots with habitat.
Project Researcher:
Rohit Verma, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Stephen Murphy
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environment
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) trees are currently dying off at rates higher than previously recorded as a result of the rapid spreading of beech bark disease (BBD) in North America. Beech trees are a principal tree species in Ontario’s hardwood forests and are a significant source of nutrition for wildlife. Currently, identifying BBD and severity is performed with on the ground visual inspection of individual beech trees. However, this technique would not be the most efficient if a large area needs to be sampled. Alternatively, recent studies have shown that it is possible to identify certain diseased plants and trees using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal imaging technology because tree leaves, stem and root diseases can cause water stress, reduce transpiration rates and increase canopy temperature. However, whether beech trees infected with BBD are identifiable using thermal imaging is unknown. Consequently, this project will investigate whether capturing thermal imagery of American beech trees, via UAVs, can discern healthy individuals from diseased individuals. If successful, UAVs equipped with high resolution cameras can be a more efficient method at identifying and mapping the extent and severity of BBD than on the ground surveys.
Project Researcher:
Kathleen Church Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Christina Semeniuk
University of Windsor, Department of Integrative Biology, Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research (GLIER)
Monitoring behavioural changes in animals can tell us how pollutants, like microplastics (plastic particles < 5 mm), are likely to affect populations. High numbers of microplastics are currently present in freshwater habitats, and these habitats are becoming more susceptible to microplastic pollution over time, especially in cities. Freshwater fishes, including salmonids, are known to mistake microplastic particles for food, and eat them. Laboratory studies show that behavioural changes often result from microplastics ingestion, including altered swimming and foraging behaviour, but it is currently unknown how these behavioural changes scale up to affect population size. This project aims to fill this knowledge gap by using Agent-Based Models (ABMs) to assess how behavioural changes that occur following microplastics ingestion will affect the population viability of stream-dwelling salmonids. This study identifies targets for microplastics pollution likely to prevent declines in salmonid populations, in combination with educational material for rare that aligns with the Canadian government’s intention to ban single use-plastics by the end of 2021, a first step toward zero plastic waste in Canada by 2030.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
BugNet is a global network of scientists that aims to better understand the impacts of invertebrate herbivores and fungal pathogens on different aspects of plant communities. While a few studies have shown big impacts of invertebrates and fungal pathogens, we know little about how generally important they are, and how their functional composition varies across a range of different ecosystems. A powerful tool to quantify the variation in plant consumer communities and their impact are globally coordinated experiments, using standardized measurements and replicated experiments across ecological gradients. The “Bug-Network” will be such a project and aims to explore the context dependency of biotic interactions within a coordinated research network comprised of many grassland- and shrubland sites worldwide.
Project Researcher:
Haolun (Allen) Tian, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed
Queen’s University, Department of Biology
Monitoring biodiversity is a key part of developing climate resiliency in aquatic ecosystem conservation. However, sampling resources are often insufficient to assess the numerous low population density waterbodies present in Ontario. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful emerging tool for non-invasive and economical environmental surveying. As organisms move through their environment, they shed genetic material that we can sample to identify what species are present in a waterbody. With eDNA, we can monitor the status of native plant, fish, and invertebrate populations, locate algal blooms, and detect invasive species. Our project aims to develop an easy-to-use community science oriented eDNA sampling kit and protocol, and field test it in Grand River at the rare Charitable Research Reserve. After developing our kit, we will conduct eDNA sampling with it as well as our lab sampling protocol for comparison. We will compare eDNA yield with the two types of sampling and use DNA metabarcoding to examine what species are present in the river at the rare reserve. By comparing our community science sampling protocol with traditional eDNA sampling techniques and existing lists of species known to be present, we will validate our kit for wider production and use.
Project Researcher:
Julia Aplin, MES Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Leesa Fawcett
York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies and Urban Change
I am an interdisciplinary artist with a background in dance and a great love of trees. I am researching how deep listening and artistic practices can help us to better understand and relate to our natural world. I am curious about the sentience of all living things and enhancing our sense of kinship. We are all related, and everything is connected. What would trees tell us if we listen? I see artistic creation as a way to heal our relationship with the earth and through my creativity, I am investigating my place on this Indigenous land, while simultaneously investigating my own Celtic cultural heritage. I will be sharing my arts based research through multi-media projects, writing and community gatherings.
Project Researcher:
Amy Pitura, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Much of southern Ontario has experienced three to four centuries of extensive European and contemporary land use, and millennia of Indigenous land use. Human land use in a stream’s watershed can cause a variety of disturbances to the stream that can, in turn, impact fish populations. Fish populations can respond to disturbance in many ways, including population size changes, splits, and between-population migration. These population-level responses are often reflected in the genetics of future generations. Using modern bioinformatics technologies, we can take advantage of this and use the genetics of modern fish to infer historical population-level responses. My work aims to characterize responses that were caused by human activities within the last 1000 years.
Project Researcher:
Amanda Meuser, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Elizabeth Mandeville
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Humans have had a profound impact on the environment in Southern Ontario, through means including agriculture and urbanization. These types of disturbances can disrupt ecosystems and bring previously distant species into close contact, which can allow for hybridization between these species. In my thesis project, I will assess how outcomes of hybridization vary between minnow species, and how the type of disturbance affects the frequency and type of hybrid individuals. Species of interest include creek chub minnows and their hybrid offspring with a number of other related Cyprinidae fish species. While creek chub and related minnow species are not endangered, this research is an opportunity to learn how human disturbance shapes evolution of species native to this area and will hopefully support conservation efforts of endangered taxa in this region and similarly disturbed areas.
Project Researcher:
Alice Xu, MA Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Goetz Hoeppe
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
The purpose of this study is to learn about what smartphone applications like iNaturalist and eBird enable everyday users and scientists to do, and how it contributes to practical work done by scientists. The anticipated benefits of this study are to make visible the tangible benefits of everyday users to scientists’ work, and precisely what those benefits are. The basic procedures will include a self-study of how a novice user comes to learn to use the application and how expert users (i.e., scientists) use the application. These procedures will help to uncover how the mobile application helps to mediate between these two kinds of users. Interviews and audio/video recordings will be used to learn about how scientists and conservationists have integrated the mobile application(s) and the app’s user-generated data into their day-to-day work.
Project Researcher:
Kerry Schutten PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Claire Jardine
University of Guelph, Department of Pathobiology
This pilot project is part of a broader initiative by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative to investigate the impact of plastic pollution on Ontario wildlife, with a specific focus on birds. A major focus of the broader initiative is to use post-mortem examination of wildlife that are passively collected for surveillance to quantify plastic ingestion and investigate impacts of plastic on wildlife health. This turkey vulture project is intended to establish a baseline understanding of whether vultures are ingesting plastics in Ontario – this understanding will help us to develop future work that assesses health metrics in these species. Turkey vultures are scavenger bird species that regularly feed at landfills and other human-dominated landscapes, and therefore are potentially important sentinel species to study the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife.
Project Researcher:
Natalie Houde, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Dirk Steinke and Dr. Alex Smith
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
Frogs are great, not only because they are well-loved by many, but also because they are important to nature. Frogs are an irreplaceable food source for many animals, and they keep insect populations under control by feeding on them. Unfortunately, frogs and their prey are facing alarming declines because of habitat loss. It is still poorly understood how this affects food webs in Canada. For these reasons, I am researching the diets of frogs across Southern Ontario by using poop! The frogs caught for my project will stay in comfortable cages overnight. The next morning, their cages will be checked for poop and all frogs will be released back to the wild. By collecting these poop samples and analyzing them with state-of-the-art molecular techniques, I can learn what the frogs ate without causing them any harm. Learning this information is valuable for Canada’s efforts towards amphibian conservation.
Project Researcher:
Elaina Greaves, MSc Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Brian Husband
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
In this field study, I will determine if adding hybrid pollen to native crabapple trees can have an impact on the reproduction of the native species. This native species is relatively uncommon in Ontario and often grow in areas close to commercial grown domestic apple trees, or in areas where these domestic trees have escaped (called feral domestic apple trees). These two species can then hybridize, which is the crossing of two closely related species that produces an offspring. Using several series of pollination treatments on native crabapple trees at rare Charitable Research Reserve and one other location, I will address three questions: 1) what is the impact of hybrid pollinations on the population size and dynamics of crabapples; 2) does hybrid pollination influence the frequency of asexually produced offspring; and 3) what is the primary source of hybrid pollen, from orchards or feral trees? The results provide insights into the impacts of agricultural environments on native biodiversity. This information can also be transferred to other native species who have the ability of reproducing with their domestic relatives.
Project Researcher:
Aleksandra Dolezal, PhD Candidate
Project Supervisor:
Dr. Andrew MacDougall
University of Guelph, Department of Integrative Biology
The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to understand the combined effects of semi‐natural area and insecticide spraying on insect predator-prey populations and, 2) evaluate the importance of habitat for predator biocontrol service. An in-field cage experiment will be conducted using three treatments (habitat, crop, habitat+crop) and two levels of insecticide (sprayed and unsprayed) to assess recovery of predator and prey populations and the baseline level of biocontrol. The habitat treatment will consist of a plan